Re: Summing range of cells on another Tab

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 10:12:36AM -0400, Steve wrote:

Can someone tell me what the gnumeric equivalent is for the following
excel command?


-where "races!" refers to the name of another tab in the worksheet
-it should return the sum of cells C14 to U14 from the "races" worksheet

I found out about this because when opening this sheet in openoffice,
the formula still works, but in gnumeric it does not.

What version of gnumeric are you using ?  The cannonical way to
represent what you want is
OOo only understands the simpler syntax
due to the way that current versions handle range parsing.
Gnumeric handles both.

The first syntax is more optimal than the 2nd in that the 2nd is
handling the union of the two cell references at run time rather
than when it is entered.  Although I suppose we could spot the
silliness at do a simplification.

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