xls open file problem

I have a file which is quite large ( 9.7 MB ) which is part of a legacy system (soon being replaced by a custom written app with db backend) which upon opening does not display any data at all.

If it helps at all:
1. The file does still contain the data (less datafile.xls) AFAICS
2. Gnumeric usually takes a little while to load the file, but now it takes only a few seconds.
3. The spreadsheet tab names are loaded (but not the data in them)
4. Yesterday the file seemed to *save* OK, but today it doesn't load.
5. I have tried to load the file on two different computers (one running Gnumeric 1.2.12 (which the file was also last saved on) and the other Gnumeric 1.4.3. Both computers run different Linux distro's & kernels.

Is there any hard coded upper limit to the amount of data one can store in a an xls file, or indeed for that matter an hard limit to what gnumeric will read from a file?

I would *really* appreciate any assistance anybody can give :-)


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