Re: User defined fixed column width text import

On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 16:03, Matt Cottrell wrote:

I recently had trouble importing a text file into Gnumeric 1.2.13
thatmight have gone more smoothly if there was an option to set a
userdefined column width. 

The table in question was formated like Table 1 below.  This
smallerexample imports corectly with the space delimited option, but
the realtable I was working with had 1325 rows and 1325 columns.  I
compiledGnumeric with SHEET_MAX_COLS 8X8x8x8 to get the necessary
columnsbeyond the default 256.

Importing the 1325 X 1325 table using the space delimited
option,including "see two separators as one" would run to completion,
butinspection of the resulting sheet revealed that many columns
hadsimply been dropped.  All the rows were present.

I believe to recall that with the current configurable textimport you
can import only (some of) the first 4 times 256 columns. This should
ideally be unlimited and if limited than restricted to a multiple of

It may also be the case that not all columns were selected for import in
that dialog.


Andreas J. Guelzow
Taliesin Software, Shelties, Pyr Sheps
and Shetland Sheep

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