Le jeu 05/02/2004 à 09:25, Haavard Holm a écrit :
Hello I have been looking for a way of including spreadsheet functionality in a html-page. Ie. I want a html page, which includes a spreadsheet, which is initialized with a file. The user should be able to change some entries and the spreadsheet should update. Is there any plans for making gnumeric a web-plugin ? Is this possible ?
You can display spreadsheets with gnumeric in a html page with the help of mozilla-bonobo (http://www.nongnu.org/moz-bonobo). Unfortunalely, it is not possible to edit the contents of the cells (it possible to add/delete cells and sheets, edit cells comments, and some other operations with a right click but it is not really useful). It would be possible to do it with a new option in the contextual menu (Edit the cell) and add a dialog box to edit the formula. I do not think there is any plan for that. However, you can request it with bugzilla. Best regards, Jean Brefort
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