Oh no, not again?!?!

You might want to look at this first:

Here is what happend this time:
As I do almost on a daily basis, I open my Gnumeric book to fill in
the money I have spent in its own sheet. This time it was in the
After filling in the numbers, I chooes "File->Quit" for the
Gnumeric-menu, and a box pops up to ask me if I want to save. And I
always choose "Save!"
This was yesterday.

Today, I open Gnumeric, tries to open the file called "Regnskap" as I
always do, and what happens? It said "Not a Gnumeric workbook". And as
you can see on the attached file, it is not valid at all. 

This is the second time, and I am not very happy now.. But I am not
saying it is Gnumerics fault, so.. I hope what is left from the file
might give you a clue...
I am still using 1.1.16

Vidar Hoel - vhoel99 grm hia no

Attachment: Regnskap.gnumeric
Description: Binary data

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