Re: python-loader

Since gnumeric is attempting to incorporate gnuole, it would make more sense
to combine the gnu version of VB that is currently being worked on.

I like python as much as the next person, but I'm not sure it's
what you'd want to use to script and make automation with......
My personal taste I guess. Maybe I have a low opinion of python.
(programmers bias)

I'm currently writing a couple plugins for gnumeric (in C/C++). A
could be a definite help to adding scripting languages and plugin support
where the programmer doesn't actually require a recompile of the complete
source of gnumeric just to add a plugin.(sheesh!)

What would make it even easier would be a a proper CORBA/ORBit object
repository wrapper, for gnome, so it isn't such a trial to enumerate
available interfaces. It would certainly make 'drag and drop' plugins
for gnumeric. Then you could just drop an iconified python object
onto your spreadsheet.

In any case. If you're going to program a plugin for gnumeric
(or anything else in gnome) try to provide as much gnorba
functionality as possible. That way you won't get completely
burned later on.


Background:  I'd love to be able to control gnumeric with python.  I'd
like to be able to bring up a python console from gnumeric to do some
scripting.  I would also like to be able to load data into and
manipulate a gnumeric spread-sheet.  I'd like to be able to write macros
in python.

So far I've done the following:

      * checked out gnumeric from CVS and compiled
      * had a root around in plugins/python-loader and plugins/py-func

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