Re: Viewpoints on conditional formatting, anyone?

[Jon K Hellan]:

  We have to design a GUI for conditional formatting in
  Gnumeric. Excel's GUI is a natural starting point, but hopefully
  we can do better. I've put up a description with screenshots of
  Excel's GUI at

I'm missing the ability to AND several clauses, but perhaps the "is
between" suffices.  I'd put the focus on the format:

  +-[v]- Format 1 --------------------------------------------[X]+
  | Preview of format: [ No format set ]                         |
  | condition: [add another]                                     |
  | [Cell value is] [less than] [       ]                        |

  [add another format]

note the X to delete the format, it probably should be a trashcan
graphically.  the [v] signifies checked on.

  Excel is limited to up to 3 conditions. Is there a need for more,
  and can this be done without making the GUI confusing?

I don't think it's confusing to make this unlimited, the user asked
for it.

Kjetil T.                       |  read and make up your own mind

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