Re: [idea]

On Sat, 2003-12-13 at 06:23, SAINTE CLUQUE Lionel wrote: 
Would it be possible (I'm sure it will) to give a name a title or a 
subtitle to the rows and columns? It is usefull to have it labelled by a 
letter in order to write formulas, but it is meaningless. I would be 
glad to have something like:

____________| A, date of birth| B, age|
1, Mr BROWN |                 |       |
2, Mr PINK  |                 |       |
3, Ms MARPLE|                 |       |

I usually do
_|     A    |      B      |   C   |
1|          |date of birth|age    |
2| Mr BROWN |             |       |
3| Mr PINK  |             |       |
4| Ms MARPLE|             |       |

But when I am row 100 I can no longer see my column title and idem for 
colums  and rows.

If you freeze row 1, then you will even see it when you are in row 100.
To freeze the row select A2 and choose View->Freeze Panes.

Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow taliesin ca>

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