
Would it be possible (I'm sure it will) to give a name a title or a subtitle to the rows and columns? It is usefull to have it labelled by a letter in order to write formulas, but it is meaningless. I would be glad to have something like:

____________| A, date of birth| B, age|
1, Mr BROWN |                 |       |
2, Mr PINK  |                 |       |
3, Ms MARPLE|                 |       |

I usually do
_|     A    |      B      |   C   |
1|          |date of birth|age    |
2| Mr BROWN |             |       |
3| Mr PINK  |             |       |
4| Ms MARPLE|             |       |

But when I am row 100 I can no longer see my column title and idem for colums and rows.

Don't you like this idea?


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