Re: gnumeric 1.0.5 doesn't build

On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 11:24:47PM -0500, Josh Fryman wrote:
to build gnumeric 1.0.5 directly from source.  it fails when linking
the gnumeric main app, unable to resolve "xmlFree".

(a) hacking makefiles to switch to -lxml2 -lpthread
(a) gnumeric worked, but the plugins wouldn't work.
NO!  Please read some of the previous threads on this.
Gnumeric-1.0 does not work if linked to libxml2.

(b) fixing source files to include xmlmemory.h
(b) didn't fix the problem.  still doesn't build.
This is not the problem.  You have stale versions of libxml2 hanging
around.  These old versions conflict with libxml1, and confuse

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