Re: Help needed pls

* You suspect that might offer a later binary build, but it's not  
  obvious where you can download just the gnumeric package.

chances are that you will not be able to just simply install the
gnumeric package from ximian.  you can try it however.  ftp to, and go to pub/ximian-gnome/redhat-72-i386 (assuming that
you have an x86 machine) to download the gnumeric package.

try doing an rpm -Uvh gnumeric*rpm

it will probably fail, and say that you need some other
libraries/packages, most likely guppi, bonobo, and others.  you can also
get those from the ximian ftp site as well

depending on how much control you have on this machine, you might try to
install the ximian gnome desktop, which will include all the necessary
packages in a tidy little package
try here:

installing the entire desktop environment just to get the gnumeric
spreadsheet sounds like a lot of overkill, but not when you consider
that _lots_ of libraries have been fixed, improved, sped up since the
gnumeric 0.67 release

hope this helps

Matthew J. Doller 
mdoller wpi edu

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