Re: Help needed pls

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 10:17:29AM +1100, Simon Taylor wrote:
Gnumeric folks,

Good luck, the current version of gnumeric is 1.0.5

A new user to Linux is going to need a lot more than luck to be able to build 
1.0.5 from source. I really think gnumeric needs to be more easily available
for novice users.

Build from source !
Good grief no.  That is not appropriate for novice users.  It is not
as hard as you might think for a major project, but still not
something I'd ask my mother to do.
I asked this question a little while ago, but got no response. Does anyone 
know of a good source of pre-built (recent) versions of gnumeric? 
There are several but it really depends on your OS/Distribution.

For Linux & Solaris is a good bet.  They have fairly up
to date packages and their dependencies for most distributions.
Failing that many distributions have their own
    debian, redhat, and mandrake
are especially good at staying current.  I have not first hand
experience with the rest.  SGI has a set of only slightly dated
packages,  and I think HP offers a set too.

I hope that helps,

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