Re: gnumeric 1.0.5 xml linking error

On 2002.03.20 17:36 Jody Goldberg wrote:

This has come up before.  You have multiple conflicting versions of
libxml installed.

    libxml1 and

have similar header file names but are _supposed_ to have a distinct
prefix.  gnumeric 1.0.x requires libxml1.  If you have old libxml2
header files installed somewhere, before things were fixed,
Gnumeric ends up reading libxml2 headers and linking against
libxml1.  The result is the mess you see.

Please search your system to ensure that libxml2 headers are either
not installed, or are a recent version.

Hope that helps,

Hi Jody,

   Yes, I do have libxml and libxml2, infact I installed both fairly
recently and I suspected that to be the problem.  What should I do
though?  I just reinstalled libxml1 so its header files should
be prevealent right?  Would that work or do I have to uninstall
libxml2 entirly?  I know that I have a
/usr/include/gnome-xml directory, it was created when I reinstalled
libxml1 a few minutes ago.

So now since /usr/include/gnome-xml belongs to libxml1 would
that work out?

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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