Re: Gnumeric 0.67

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 03:33:30AM +0100, Nick Lamb wrote:
Gnumeric now seems to be basically working.

I've seen a weird bug in text import though. The first character of some
lines is corrupted. My input data is stuff like:

11/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-3.17,0.00
11/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-6.38,0.00
11/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-3.17,0.00
11/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-6.38,0.00
19/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-7.90,0.00
25/06/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-8.42,0.00
26/06/2001,"PETS.COM PLC.           BOLTON",-86.95,0.00
02/07/2001,"UNUSUAL PLC  SOMEWHERE  SOMEWHERE",-6.70,0.00
02/07/2001,"RED RIBBON WORLD        BIRMINGHAM",-1.75,0.00

The lines appear corrupted in import wizard the moment the import process
is started, and are corrupted in the sheet created by the wizard.
Pretty much any characters can appear, but they seem to be restricted
to the first column. The exact characters are reproducible from session
to session.

/me awaits Jody saying that this is fixed in CVS :)


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