Copying row changes date justification, loses currency format info

Package:  gnumeric
Severity: normal
Version:  0.58-0_helix_1
Synopsis: Copying row changes date justification, loses currency format info
Class:    sw-bug

Distribution: Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)
System: Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i586 unknown
C library: glibc-2.1.3-15
C compiler: 2.95.2
glib: 1.2.8
GTK+: 1.2.8
ORBit: ORBit 0.5.4
gnome-libs: gnome-libs 1.2.8
libxml: 1.8.10
gnome-print: gnome-print-0.25-0_helix_1
gnome-core: gnome-core 1.2.4

- Download and save <>
  in a file called "bug.xml.gz".
- Start Gnumeric 0.58 on it: gnumeric bug.xml.gz
- Select row 9 by clicking on the "9" button at the left.
- Type Ctrl-C to copy that row.
- Select row 10 (which is empty).
- Type Ctrl-V to paste the contents of row 9 into row 10.
- Three bugs appear:
  - Cell A9 is now right-justified, but should have remained
  - Cells E6 through E9 have forgotten that they contain currencies,
    so they don't display a dollar sign and don't necessarily
    display two digits after the comma (I use a Canadian
    French locale: LC_ALL=fr_CA and LANG=fr).
  - Iconify and restore the Gnumeric window: now, cells A6 through
    A9 are right-justified.

This has also been sent to <submit at> using bug-buddy 1.2.

Pierre Sarrazin <sarrazip at>

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