Gnumeric 0.57 - comment, request, and question.

I've been away from using Gnumeric for a while, but yesterday
upgraded to 0.57 from the Helix site (which really makes upgrades

From what I can tell, the problems I personally experienced with
earlier versions have been resolved.  Thanks guys!

One request though:  For Importing CSV files, would it be possible
to substitute the same Data-type selection Menu as appears 
after the data is imported when Format>Cell is selected?  At least the
Data type and Alignment tabs.  As it stands there's no "Text"
data-type in the Import menu - you've got to import as "General"
and then correct this later.

The difficulty comes about with things like ZIP codes and Part
Numbers which may have leading zeros.  If you don't remember to
fix this (the affected cells may be way down on the list where
you don't notice them) a printed report may have to be redone.

Question: Is there any basic reason why the number of columns
which can be simultaneously sorted is limited to 3?

Charles Sullivan

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