Re: Planing to migrate from Tomboy to Gnote

The described solution works almost - the way the windows are handled
suits me well.

My problem now ist, that if I start typing my search phrase in a main
window, gnote opens a note in the search list when I input a space ' '
character.  Well, most of the times.  Not always.  If gnote highlights
a note in the list, then it does.  If I started the search by clicking
on the search icon it does not, so I can type in search phrases
including space characters.

Is there a way to make the "just start to type" search behave the same
way as if started by clicking the search icon?

I'm afraid this is by design. Pressing space when list has focus
activates the selected row, which means opening note for notes list.
Search-as-you-type does not set focus to search entry, so that you could
use arrow keys to quickly move up/down in notes list. Pressing
Ctrl+Space sets focus to search entry.


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