Re: Planing to migrate from Tomboy to Gnote

Dear Aurimas!

Well, what happens if I call 'gnote --search' and 'gnote --search=/' is
a bit non-intuitive to me.

Here we go:

My keyboard shortcut is: 'sh -c "gnote --search"'
cmdline is: 'gnote --search'

If the setting 'always open notes in new window' is active:
x keyboard shortcut in main window => nothing happens
x keyboard shortcut in note window => the note window becomes a main window
x cmdline with last active window main window => nothing happens
x cmdline with last active window note window => the note window becomes a main window
If the setting 'always open notes in new window' is deactivated:
x keyboard shortcut in main window => nothing happens
x keyboard shortcut in note window => the note window becomes a main window
x cmdline with last active window main window => nothing happens
x cmdline with last active window note window => a main window opens (***)

Again the behaviour changes if I use 'gnote --search=/' in shortcut and
on cmdline.

But none of the options gives me what I am looking for.
Closest I get is the line above marked by (***).

I am looking for this:
In an open note window I would like to have a keyboard shortcut that
opens the already open main window and presents me with a search
prompt.  If there is no 'already open main window' I would like gnote
to open a new main window.  So the open note-windows remain open and I
do not get cluttered with main windows.

Any chance to get there?

my best

Am Donnerstag, den 11.08.2016, 11:07 +0300 schrieb Aurimas Černius:

However now my keyboard shortcut changed its behaviour.
When I run 'gnote --search=/' having a note in the active window it
simply opens the search bar for searching this note.  If the active
window is a "main window" the keyboard shortcut opens the search
bar in
that window.  I'm looking for a shortcut to open a main window and
present me the search bar there.  So I can jump from an open note
to a
"main window" searching for some terms, open another note, and so

Sorry to keep bothering you.  I'm almost there ;-)  Just so
Does this happens if you run 'gnote --search' from command line (not
via global shortcut)?
If so, then it's a bug.

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