Re: Planing to migrate from Tomboy to Gnote

Ah, it's not over yet...

The described solution works almost - the way the windows are handled
suits me well.

My problem now ist, that if I start typing my search phrase in a main
window, gnote opens a note in the search list when I input a space ' '
character.  Well, most of the times.  Not always.  If gnote highlights
a note in the list, then it does.  If I started the search by clicking
on the search icon it does not, so I can type in search phrases
including space characters.

Is there a way to make the "just start to type" search behave the same
way as if started by clicking the search icon?

enjoy the weekend

Am Freitag, den 12.08.2016, 18:54 +0200 schrieb Nicolas Hüppelshäuser:
Thank you once more.

Now I found a solution.

(1) Switch the option "always open note in a new window" off.
(2) Define a global keyboard shortcut simply calling 'gnote'.

The shortcut will open a new main window.
Starting to type opens the search bar.
After finding a note and opening it the main window becomes the note

Hence I won't file a bug report.

my best

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