Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Ekiga, diamondcard and sipdiscount


thanks for your answer.
So, as long as suscribing to diamond card will support ekiga project it will be my sip provider. By the way, even if there price as not the cheaper of the market, they are cheaper than the "so famous" skype (indeed, I didn't compare all the price but for the destination I looked, they are).

For those who are interested by the price of dianmond card, you just need to click on the left on "Rates". then, choose "IP Phone" for the access point, and you currency.

Other provider that you can look at (this is the only two that I know), is sipdiscount (but I haven't test it, and I don't know the quality of the service), or wengo. Until  now I was using the ultimate one, and the quality is very good and the price very cheap (and it will probably take years before they achieve a decent version of there wengophone for linux...)


Damien Sandras a écrit :
Le dimanche 28 mai 2006 à 14:40 -0400, don Paolo Benvenuto a écrit :
El dom, 28-05-2006 a las 20:31 +0200, Damien Sandras escribió:

Diamondcard is giving 10% back of all subscriptions to the Ekiga
project. It doesn't represent very much, but the advantage is the call
quality is in general good and they are open to suggestions.
lamentably, Diamondcard prices are quit high. The user is invited by the
ekiga community to subscribe blindly for a service whose conditions
aren't known.

Wouldn't be possible to look for a cheaper voip provider?


It would be possible. I'm open to all propositions, really.

Alternatively, at least a link to their price list is necessary, with
the warning that the prices could not be cheap, but generate a return to
ekiga proyect, and giving some hint about where finding a cheaper voip
provider or a comparation or them.

I consider that a free proyect should be very careful in giving perfect
transparency to its users.


It is totally transparent. The fact that they give away 10% is not
Ekiga-only. If you subscribe as "distributor", all subscriptions done by
people using you as "distributor" will allow giving you back 10% of the


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