[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Ekiga on Win2k (Julien PUYDT)

Same as in the shell. The message appears in a dialog box, not in the
shell. Screenshot: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/stephanb/ekiga_error01.png

Recopying the error message would have made your post ten times smaller.
Sorry I thought you had it from the previous post. Anyway, the screenshot wasn't totally useless as you noticed the following:

How come you have a libglib-2.0-0.dll in the ekiga directory ? I thought it was installed with gtk !?
My mistake! For some reason I had uninstalled gtk-2.0 :-( I then got one error message about missing SDL.dll. I put SDL.dll in the Ekiga folder. Double-click on "ekiga.exe" from the explorer window, the assistant launched. Soundcard and webcam were recognised, logged into ekiga.net. I made a call to sip:500 ekiga net To make things clear, I will recap the install procedure I used on Win2k SP4: 1. install GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment (version 2.8.9) from http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html
2. install ekiga.zip package from http://snapshots.gnomemeeting.net/win32/
3. download SDL from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?sdl Move the SDL.dll file into the Ekiga folder. It would probably be better to download it from http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php
4. launch ekiga.exe, go through the assistant, etc.

I have 2 more questions:
1. Would you like some help with screenshots / documentation / FAQ. I have been using Ekiga, NAT routers, Netmeeting, etc for a few years now. I found the subject interesting enough to look at H.323 calls through Ethereal. 2. Is it normal that 500 ekiga net only uses PCM audio? I was surprised that the server also mirrors the *video*, but I think there isn't enough bandwidth to test audio&&video simultaneously. Audio stutters when video is on, video bandwidth was set at 64kbps.


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