Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Security check failed


If you are registered to Ekiga.NET and to Diamondcard, and that is your default account, you can call sip:0061XXXXXX, and it
will work.

If you are not registered to Ekiga.NET, and are only registered to
Diamondcard, in that case, you will have to call
sip:61XXXXXX eugw ast diamondcard us

If you can not register to Ekiga.NET, I think you might have a NAT

Le dimanche 21 mai 2006 à 11:29 +1000, Don Malcolm a écrit :
> I am a newbie to VOIP on Linux, and find it very confusing attempting to
> set up Ekiga as my first Linux VOIP application. I have successfully
> used VOIP on that other operating system for some time, and without any
> drama.
> Iason, as you suggest, I attempted to register with but that
> failed. I am able to register with which is the
> default entry automatically put there when setting up the account.
> I am not getting the "Security check failed" message any more. (However
> see below - I am getting that message calling a local number).
> When I call 500 ekiga net, I get a repeated long tone.
> I attempted to call a real phone number of the form: sip:0061999999999
> where the 9's are replaced with the local number, the 61 is the country
> code, and 00 the access code. 
> However this terminates immediately with the message "User not found". I
> take a look at the drop down box and "" has automatically been
> added!!!??? And sip:0061999999999 ekiga net also immediately terminates
> in "User not found".
> I am using the CVS version of Ekiga.
> I've done some more checking, and discovered on the site
> that one should add to the end of phone
> numbers!?
> The Ekiga help page says "you can simply use sip:003210444555 to call a
> real phone number". There is no mention of an "@..." suffix! Do I need
> one?
> Anyhow, when I call sip:0061999999999 usgw ast diamondcard us whith the
> 9's replaced with the local number, I get the message "Security check
> failed".
> There seems to be some overlap in the meanings and uses of
> username/account and password/pin. Could you please clarify the
> difference between username and account, and when to use each; and
> please clarify the difference between password and pin, and when to use
> each.
> In short, perhaps a clear step by step detail of how to set up my
> account would not go astray.
> For the sake of clarity of communication: Simply put, what I am
> attempting to do is this: I have successfully setup a free Ekiga
> account, and tested by calling the sip:500 ekiga net account. All fine
> so far. I attempted to set up an account with Engin, but without
> success. So I figure I'll use the Ekiga PC-to-Phone Account (thinking
> that should be well tested and smooth sailing). I use the link provided
> in Ekiga under the Tools menu. I set up the account. I receive an
> emailed receipt for payment. I also receive a signup thank you message
> containing login name, account id, instructions to get pin, and
> instructions to reply. I reply to message. I receive a confirmation
> message saying payment for $10.00 has been verified and approved. I
> enter the account and password in the PC-to-Phone settings. There is a
> new account in the account list, however the registration failed. So I
> enter pin where password is asked for! It registers. However I am not
> able to do anything with it. (See above).
> Please help. I'm confused.
> On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 21:13 +0300, Iason Antipariotis wrote:
> > Don Malcolm wrote:
> > > I am able to successfully call the test number sip:500 ekiga net with a
> > > free ekiga account.
> > > 
> > > I have set up a new ekiga PC-to-phone account, and get the message:
> > > "Security check failed" when I attempt to call the test number.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Register to with the new ekiga account and then call
> > 500 ekiga net ;)
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Iason
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 _      Damien Sandras
//\     Ekiga Softphone:
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006    :
        SIP Phone      : sip:dsandras ekiga net
                         sip:600000 ekiga net

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