Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Nat traversal

Le dimanche 22 janvier 2006 à 13:56 -0500, Allan a écrit :

> After checking the general history, I must confess that I drew the wrong 
> conclusion.  Both report symmetric NAT.   Which leads to my next question.    
> Why would Ekiga accept STUN as an appropriate NTM if, as you say,  Ekiga will 
> not work behind a symmetric NAT?

If you configure it using the druid, it shouldn't.

> > That's technically impossible. A STUN server is a STUN server, it
> > doesn't depend on the destination that you will call, it will just open
> > holes in your NAT router.
> >
> I'll really show my ignorance here but here goes anyway.  Your statement 
> implies that STUN works when I'm placing not receiving a call.  I thought 
> that I read somewhere that as long as either sender or receiver used a STUN 
> server traffic would get through.  Could it be that I have to use the FWD 
> STUN server because FWD does not allow calling to other networks except ones 
> it has agreements with?

No, impossible.

With symmetric NAT, you will get random results, sorry. Try to turn that
symmetric NAT into Cone NAT by correct port forwarding.

> > > By the way, FWD does not allow calling to other accounts i.e. an FWD user
> > > cannot call me at my address UNLESS FWD has entered into an
> > > agreement with the other group.  Would you consider approaching FWD to
> > > enter such an agreement.  Might help in spreading the popularity of
> > > Ekiga.
> >
> > Yes, I will do it once 2.00 has been released.
> >
> Thank you.
> By the way, is it anticipated that the Windows version will be released at the 
> same time.  That might resolve the difficulties I'm having getting things 
> working between Windows and Linux.  My children (and grand-children) live 500 
> km away.  They are typical Windows users and it's very difficult trying to 
> resolve problems   without a common application.

I don't think so. Perhaps an Alpha release...

> Allan
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