[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: NAT problem

Yes I am the only one, my room-mate use windows, and unless you have this version of ekiga on a live cd it will be difficult to make a test...

Tonight I will try to have a look at the router and see if it has some log or something like this... Could you give me more information about the lost packets such as the IP they come from, the port and protocol?

Thank a lot for all your help!


Damien Sandras wrote:
Le mardi 14 février 2006 à 22:55 +0800, Lynda Metref a écrit :

Yes I have firestarter running, but the problem stay even if I stop it:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter status
Firestarter is stopped

And it run also at work where I tried today, but it didnt make any problem

Then I fear your router is dropping the SIP answers to your registration
request, for some reason that I really do not understand (as it is an

Is there only one Ekiga running in your LAN?

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