Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Building pwlib/openh323 : need to keep source directories for using the libs? (PWLIBDIR/OPENH323DIR issue)

maillog: 14/04/2005-12:06:21(+0200): Vincent Rubiolo types
> Thanks for your help here, I am really willing to understand and commit 
> a patch to the doc as well because this has bogged me down for so long 
> now (and prevented me from building gnomemeeting all the way down from 
> GNOME 2.6).

You can try reading the spec files for these packages of an rpm distro,
or the ebuild files on gentoo. The latter are quite straightforward to

\    Georgi Georgiev   \  "Jesus saves...but Gretzky gets the          \
 /    chutz gg3 net     / rebound!" -- Daniel Hinojosa (hinojosa hp-    /
\   +81(90)2877-8845   \  sdd) ebo                                     \

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