Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] SuSE9.1 and GM


You mentioned:

> I know Matsumoto's url.  I read his explanation, and
> I started monitoring datche with ffmpeg.  It works 
> great.

I could not. Could you tell me how you did it?
When I write the command written on this page, I only
get one picture mpeg. If I omit the -r 30 option on
ffmpeg side, I get an mpeg, but the picture slides
horizontally. (without the -r 30 option, ffmpeg
captures at 25 fps)

Could you tell me the exact command

> The quality of Logitech QC4000 is still better than
> cheap ieee1394 cameras, though.

I have sony dfw-vl500 that I got around 300$ on ebay.
It works unbeliavable. (has zoom and focus)


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