Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting and Netmeeting

On mer, 2004-05-05 at 22:54, Enrique Botia Paniagua wrote:
> I use SuSE 8.2 (kernel 2.4.20) and I installed Gnomemeeting 1.0.2 from RPM.
> My local home network is behind a router, with NAT and a firewall. I oppened 
> the router NAT ports 1720 TCP, 30000-30010 TCP, and 5000-5007 UDP.  I also 
> oppened these ports in the SuSE firewall 2 for these tests.

Notice that when you hit "Reply" in your mail client, it automatically
adds an hidden line to the message header, to state to which message you
answer. So that even if you wipe out the body&subject of the mail you
answer to, your message will still appear as an answer to the original

The conclusion of this is that your mail ends up in a thread that it
doesn't belong to, which means: 1) it will not be read by people who
decided that thread was of no interest to them 2) it makes searching the
archives more difficult.

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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