Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] 'User not found'

Le mar 13/01/2004 à 15:50, Zoilo a écrit :
> Correct!
> First, I edited openh323/src/h323ep.cxx to make sure the P_LDAP code was 
> compiled in; recompiled and it worked.
> Apparently the problem was, that I compiled in directories 
> $HOME/voip/pwlib and $HOME/voip/openh323 instead of $HOME/pwlib and 
> $HOME/openh323 as recommended by the Fine Manuals.
> To make things worse, while in the process of ignoring the wisdom from 
> the Fine Manuals, I also felt no need to define environment variables 
> OPENH323DIR and PWLIBDIR as suggested.

That shouldn't be needed anymore since configure is available. Now your
major problem will be to find correctly configured people on ILS!
Anyway, enjoy :)

> Thank you for the lesson, Damien!

No problem :)
 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_    H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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