Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Unexpected behavior between GM and RadVision MCU after MCU upgrade

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 08:35:13 -0800
"Kevin Oberman" <oberman es net> wrote:

> We recently upgraded our MCU from a V2 unit to a V3 unit. We primarily
> use two clients, Polycom ViaVideo and GM (0.98.5). When connected to the
> old MCU with either, a 2x2 display of the other participants in the call
> (or the last 4 to generate audio if more than 4 were present) are
> displayed.
> With the new (Version 3) MCU, there is no change for the ViaVideo
> clients, but GM now displays only a single participant, the last to have
> audio.
> Is this an OpenH323 issue or GM and does anyone have enough knowledge of
> the workings of H.323 to know if there is an option that can be used to
> get the old behavior back?

This sounds like a change of behavour with the new MCU version that has
nothing to do with GM. There are three reasons why I think this would be
the case:

1) You changed the MCU, and the behaviour changed. GM did not change. So
why do you think this is a GM problem?

2) The endpoint has no control over the video being sent to it - it can
only display what the MCU sends. 

3) The new behaviour (video following the current speaker) sounds like a
plausible mode for an MCU to use. I suspect there is a mode somewhere in
the MCU that switches between this new behaviour and the old behaviour.

> With the release of V1.00, the electronic conferencing people are
> considering making GM a supported client. ESnet Collaboration Services
> is an H.323 and H.320 based conferencing system connecting about 100
> major scientific research facilities around the world.

Sounds good.


 Craig Southeren, craigs postincrement com
 Post Increment - Software, Consulting and Services
 Co-founder of the only open source H.323 project
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