Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] To attention of Damien Sandras: offers for GM's wishlist...

El vie, 27-02-2004 a las 15:03, info escribió:
> 4. Microphone muting/unmuting.
> Now, when GM sits in tray and wait calls, microphone isn't 
> muted. It caused problems with noises in speakers...
> Of course, microphone can be muted/unmuted manually by mixer... 
> But it's not a comfortable way if you have 10-30 
> videoconfereces per day...
> So, it must be pair of user-selected feature in GM's settings: 
> "automatically mute microphone when call ended" and 
> "automatically unmute microphone when call begins".
You can have this *if you use alsa* for driving your sound hardware. You
can record from a muted device. (Hint: open alsamixer).

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