Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] audio setup question

Am Mon, 2003-10-13 um 06.57 schrieb Ian Truelsen:
> I have tried tweaking everything in there and it still only works as a
> passthrough device, there is no recording going on. Since we are using
> the same driver, could you send me your asound.state file privately so I
> can diff them and see what your setup is?
That won't do because there are too many different revisions of emu10k1
cards (the number of mixers differs, for example).

Try this:
- Make sure that the "Capture" mixer is up and unmuted and has the red
capture flags on top (in alsamixer).
- Make sure that your mic mixer is up and unmuted and has the capture
flag on top in alsamixer.

If this is the case, it should work, otherwise just send the bzip2'ed
asound.state to the list (should be very small).


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