Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting without esound?


Why do you uninstall the lib but still keep parts of it? I would suggest
that you simply uninstall it (without putting parts of it back) and then
do a "revdep-rebuild -p" to see if there're other binaries that are
still linked to the esd stuff (assuming you use Gentoo's portage and
don't manually install stuff that isn't in Gentoo's package information
database). If so, leave away the "-p" and let Gentoo rebuild the
packages (including GM!).

Well, I explained in one of my first posts. Throwing out esound didn't help, as the gm's configure script then stops to complain about missing esound. So I had to install esound prior to installing gm, and then trow it out again.

BTW, "revdep-rebuild -p" doesn't work for me as my system doesn't know it.



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