Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting without esound?

Hi ... (what's your real name?)!

> That is what I thought as well, but it didn't work. I stil got a problem 
> though. I now deinstalled esound, as it otherwise somehow interferes 
> with alsa and/or arts, even if esd not started. So I just kept the lib 
> gnomemeeting is linked to and copied that back. So esound if off my 
Why do you uninstall the lib but still keep parts of it? I would suggest
that you simply uninstall it (without putting parts of it back) and then
do a "revdep-rebuild -p" to see if there're other binaries that are
still linked to the esd stuff (assuming you use Gentoo's portage and
don't manually install stuff that isn't in Gentoo's package information
database). If so, leave away the "-p" and let Gentoo rebuild the
packages (including GM!).

> system but gnomemeeting still starts. But now gnomemeeting doesn't find 
> a free /dev/sound/dsp or whatever. It says something else is using it. 
> Grrr... I guess it is arts sitting on it, when full duplex mode is 
Yes, that's artsd.

> activated. I tried artsdsp gnomemeeting, then no complains, but so sound 
> either (inthe druid test)... It seems to me that gnomemeeting is not 
> very cooperative with sound, ie wanting all resources for itself.
Well, I don't have a lot of experiences with artsd so I can't tell your
what the problem with artsdsp is. But as Damien said, artsd and
especially esd have their obvious problems and I currently can't give
you any other advice than not using the sound daemons if you don't
actually need them. Even if they worked, they would add unwanted latency
to the audio-traffic due to the non-hardware mixing which is poison for
every VoIP-connection.

JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
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