Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gatekeeper registration,Redhat 8 Binaries

Le lun 03/11/2003 à 17:12, Aravind a écrit :

> Thanks. I found out that the problem is fixed in openh323 1.12.x. I have
> one more problem now. Could someone provide RH 8 binaries of gm 0.98.5?

Great :-) About the binaries, I suggest you to simply rebuild the
src.rpms of 0.98.5 on your system.

> The binaries that are available requires openssl 0.9.7 and that breaks a
> lot of applications that depend on openssl 0.9.6. I think backward 
> compatibility has been a mess in C/C++ world  :-(

Yes, being up-to-date is sometimes hard in the Linux world :)

> Regards
> Aravind
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