Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gatekeeper registration

Le dim 02/11/2003 à 21:12, Aravind a écrit :
> [Read the FAQ,ML]
> Hi All,
> What is the difference in the gatekeeper registration methods?
> I mean 'gatekeeper host' and 'gatekeeper ID'? I tried a few test

the gatekeeper host is when you want to register to a specific host.
the gatekeeper ID is when you want to register to a gatekeeper of your
LAN, a broadcast request will be sent and the one corresponding to the
specified ID will answer and accept the registration.

> gks( and Registration fails at both
> the gks using either of the methods.

Without any error message, it is not possible to help.

> My configuration:

> Linux: 2.4.x
> gnomemeeting-0.96.1-1 
>          pwlib-1.4.7-3 
>                   openh323-1.11.2-3
> Thanks for any help.

GnomeMeeting 0.98.5 has been released a few months ago. 

> Regards
> Aravind
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