Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Problem with opening of audio device, gnomemeeting 0.94.1

Damien Sandras wrote:

Here are a few suggestions:
- do a lsof /dev/dsp (if /dev/dsp is your device) to see if another
process is using the soundcard. (fuser can work too)
- Manually reselect the correct device in the preferences (Audio
Devices) section, even if they seem selected
- Make sure it is not a full duplex problem, perhaps you were using ALSA
at the time of 0.93.1
- A last tip: Wait until next monday. Next version fixes a few problems,
but also provides a Configuration Druid for the audio devices selection
that helps to diagnose problems. In your case it seems to be a full
duplex problem.

And one from me:

- It always helps to try and reproduce the problem with ohphone, just to make sure that it really is a *gnomemeeting* problem and not a pwlib problem.

/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / Economists can certainly         \
\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ disappoint you. One said that    /
/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/ the economy would turn up by the \
\                   ^^^^^^^^^\ last quarter. Well, I'm down to  /
 \                           / mine and it hasn't. -- Robert    \
  \                          \ Orben                            /

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