Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] ratio problem with NTSC camera

Florin Andrei wrote:
With GM, i'm using these settings:
- /dev/video0
- video channel 2 (chan 1 gets me black-and-white images, and channel 0
is the TV tuner)
- video size: small or large, it does not matter
- video format: NTSC

Did you try setting the video format to PAL. I know your camera is NTSC but still worth a shot.

If you feel adventurous and since yours is a firewire camera - you could even give the experimental firewire support of openh323 a shot.

/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / When the going gets tough, the   \
\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ tough go grab a beer.            /
/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/                                  \

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