Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] webcam works with other applications like xawtv but not with GnomeMeeting - request help

Hi Jeff,

JC> When I bring up GnomeMeeting and try to watch the video feed from
JC> the camera, I get squiggly lines in the top 1/4 of the rectangle,
JC> and the error message
JC> "Error while opening video device , channel 1.
JC> A test image will be transmitted.
JC> Error while opening the device."

JC> crw-------    1 jeffco   root      81,   0 Aug 30 16:31 /dev/video0

i assume your cam works just fine with the camserv .. if so my guess
is that you're running the camserv with another user than the one
trying to start the gm..
if so you'd need to do the following:
# chmod 660 /dev/video0
# groupadd video    (unless it exists)
# chgrp video /dev/video0
# usermod -G video, ... (youruid)   <<- add your self to the video group in whatever way

after that you'll need to re-login into your X11 to have the
permissions change activated. now you should be able to start gm after
closing the camserv (you can't run both at the same time)

(and just double-check that the gnome-prefs will actually try to open
/dev/video0) ;)

hope this helps..

Best regards,

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