[GnomeMeeting-list] [Fwd: New Modules in GNOME 2.2]

Basically it means that GnomeMeeting should be an official Gnome
application going in what is called "Fifth Toe", but not in the core of
the desktop itself.

-----Message suivi-----

> From: Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org>
> To: GNOME Desktop Hackers <desktop-devel-list gnome org>
> Subject: New Modules in GNOME 2.2
> Date: 21 Nov 2002 16:14:55 +1100
> 'tag alles,
> The release team generally tries to avoid open-ended questions when asking
> for input, but unfortunately we sometimes end up falling for them again when
> the topic is controversial, and we don't want to rankle any chains.
> Thus, we've changed tactics on the proposed modules list. This email defines
> what the release team believes is ready and appropriate for the 2.2 release.
> Now you just have to tell us where we've stuffed up. ;-)
> Otherwise, this becomes the final new modules list for 2.2... ROCK!
> Modules that have changed status since the last email have been
> marked with an asterisk, and include comments.
> New Modules in 2.2:
>   * acme: Daemon and configuration utility for 'special' keys on modern
>     multimedia keyboards and notebooks.
>     (Functionality we need, no strong reasons to leave it out until the
>     features are integrated into other modules.)
>   - file-roller: Archive creation, browsing, and unpacking utility.
>   - ggv: PDF and PostScript viewer.
>   - gnome-icon-theme: Default GNOME icon theme.
>   * gnome-media: Not a new module, but noted here because the latest branch
>     depends on GStreamer.
>     (Much improved over previous versions. Based on well-tested GStreamer
>     features.)
>   - gnome-themes: Package of default themes for GNOME, including GTK+ and
>     icon themes designed for accessibility.
>   * gstreamer/gst-plugins: Multimedia framework libraries.
>     (Supports improved gnome-media and nautilus-media modules, both of which
>     replace existing functionality and are based on GStreamer features that
>     are tested and work well.)
>   - metacity: Window manager. Proposed to replace Sawfish as default window
>     manager.
>   * nautilus-media: Multimedia support for Nautilus, including replacement
>     music view and video thumbnailing. Depends on GStreamer.
>     (Replaces functionality that was removed from Nautilus itself. Based on
>     well-tested GStreamer features.)
>   - startup-notification: A minimal library that supports the new startup
>     notification spec from freedesktop.org.
>   * vte: Terminal widget with improved font and i18n support. Designed to
>     replace libzvt.
>     (Actually maintained, lots of improvements over libzvt, needs some love
>     on the a11y front. Noted that gnome-terminal still works with libzvt if
>     a11y is a must for any distributor.)
> Not Accepted:
>   - galeon: Web browser. Depends on Mozilla.
>     (Nothing to back up apparent maintainership issues, far too big to take
>     on otherwise. If these are resolved, and Galeon keeps improving at the
>     alarming rate it has recently, it's definitely a candidate for 2.4.)
>   - gst-player: Media player. Depends on GStreamer.
>     (Usability issues, not based on well-tested GStreamer features, may
>     surprise users that it doesn't support some things that they'd expect.
>     Looks like a good candidate for 2.4.)
>   - gcalctool: Scientific calculator. Proposed to replace gnome-calculator.
>     (Usability issues, not convinced it's sufficiently useful to general
>     desktop users, preference for a modal calculator.)
>   - gnomemeeting: Video and audio conferencing client based on h323. Depends
>     on pwlib and openh323, which are available at gnomemeeting.org.
>     (Difficult required dependencies for the desktop release.)
> Thanks,
> - Jeff
> -- 
>               What do you give a bird when it has a headache?               
>                                Parakeetamol.                                
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> desktop-devel-list mailing list
> desktop-devel-list gnome org
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 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting: http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
//\	FOSDEM 2003:  http://www.fosdem.org
	H.323 phone:  callto://ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

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