Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GnomeMeeting 0.92.1 rpms are available

Adam Williams wrote:
A new release of GnomeMeeting is available.

And I've made some new rpms for Red Hat 7.3 for people to try out.
I've updated the spec-file so now all missing files like locale, man and
gnomemeeting-config-tool are now actually being included in the rpm.
The only thing I still have to patch is the dependancy on 'gconftool' which
on RH-systems aren't present. I'm attatching a patch that checks for
gconftool-2 on a system in so you get an error message if it
isn't installed at configure-time and not when you do a 'make install'.
The rpm's depend on the Gnome-2.0 rpms so get the lastest from ximian, and
don't forget the latest pwlib and openh323-rpms that you can get from the link
above as well.

Just a quick question.  If I red-carpet GNOME 2 from Ximian  (I am an
Express customer so that is the fastest way) does it install parrallel
to GNOME 1.4 or 'over top of'?  Some of the GNOME 2 apps are starting to
look real tasty but I use GNOME 1.4 as my desktop nine hours a day and
am a little leary of beta-ing my entire system.

GNOME 2 will obsolete a lot of the old packages yes. So some stuff will be
in parallell (like gconftool-1 and gconftool-2), some stuff will be replaced
(nautlilus replaced by nautilus2) and some stuff will be removed (like grip
for instance which isn't ported).

GNOME 2 is very usable but still beta in a lot of areas. Sawfish for instance
was starting to give me so much trouble that I switched to metacity. And
nautilus kept crashing on every startup for a very long time.


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