Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Diagnostic tools for audio?

Damien Sandras wrote:

> It should work with ESD, I think you don't even need ALSA. I wonder if
> it is not a new pwlib problem for PPC. Unfortunately I have presently no
> idea.

I tried with the dmasound driver (as opposed to the alsa driver), and
got xmms playing back some audio. I got gnomemeeting to answer a call -
I expected it to work alongside xmms, but as the call was answered the
sound from xmms was muted, and silence followed. When the call was
cleared, the sound came back. This same problem happened with the alsa

> Perhaps try with somebody who is not using Netmeeting.
> I just launched the reflector on
> Connect to it, and talk and see if you hear yourself.

Will try it, just gotta get somewhere where there is no firewall between
me and the net.

My connect log looks like this:

15:00:49 :  Set Audio player device to ESound
15:00:49 :  Set Audio recorder device to ESound
15:04:06 :  Call from nikki forshaw []
15:04:11 :  Answering incoming call
15:04:14 :  Started New Logical Channel...
15:04:14 :  Sending MS-GSM{sw}
15:04:14 :  Enabled silence detection for MS-GSM{sw}
15:04:14 :  Fast start disabled
15:04:14 :  H.245 Tunnelling enabled
15:04:14 :  Connected with nikki forshaw [] using Microsoft®
NetMeeting®	3.0	181/21324
15:04:14 :  Started New Logical Channel...
15:04:14 :  Receiving MS-GSM{sw}

minfrin sharp fm		"There's a moon
					over Bourbon Street

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