Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting and esd

> > We had to do this on the Mac OS X platform which has
> > an ESD implementation, but not an OSS implementaion.
> > (The Mac guys ported ESD to use the Mac's native audio API)
> > 
> Does this really means that GnomeMeeting works fine under Mac OS X. This
> is great!

Yes it does work.
I got pwlib/openh323 working on Mac OS X probably about 9 months ago
but it is probably 12.
Then about 6 months ago a guy called Shawn at Harvard Uni got the
audio working using ESD.
We were able to run ohphone (the command line program from OpenH323).
We also got OpenAM (the free H323 answering machine) working
and OpenMCU (the H323 multi user conference server) works fine too.

At the time GnomeMeeting had not been launched so we did not try it.
But it should just be a simple case of compiling GnomeMeeting on Mac OS X
as long as pwlib is built with ESD support.

The only Mac OS X box I have access to is one via a remote ssh login
so I cannot try this myself. All I can do is maintain the pwlib/openh323
libraries which I can test with command line apps.


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