Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Microphone input fails

Thanks for the pointers.  I'm still having trouble getting
gnomemeeting working.  I verified oss compatibility using

  andy:~/tmp>rawrec -d /dev/dsp0 -f s16_le -s 8000 -t 5 test.raw
  andy:~/tmp>rawplay -d /dev/dsp0 -f s16_le -s 8000 test.raw

and got an audio connection working once with a remote friend.

But, gnomemeeting crashed as I used the "view" menu to try to get both
remote and local video displayed, and after that, I could not send
audio anymore.  I restarted alsa and rechecked oss compatibility using
rawrec and rawplay again, but I could not sent audio.

I enabled XDAP registration and attempted a connection with a
stranger.  I tried to speak and to type to him.  He typed to inform me
that he received video but no audio and no text.  I received only text
from him.

I got the following errors (not all at once) in the terminal window
from which I launched gnomemeeting:

mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding

andy:~/tmp>/usr/bin/gnomemeeting.real: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: internalFreeAll__Q24Arts14StartupManager
      assert.cxx(105)   PWLib   Assertion fail: Null pointer reference, file /home/manty/build/pwlib-1.3.3/include/ptlib/contain.inl, line 198, Error=4

<A>bort, <C>ore dump, <I>gnore? 


Thanks for any additional advice.

>>>>> "Damien" == Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> writes:

    Damien> le dim 04-08-2002 à 10:02, Andy Fraser a écrit :
    >> I'm trying to get gnomemeeting 0.93.0 working on a debian woody
    >> distribution.  My friend John is in the same room using redhat
    >> and gnomemeeting 0.85.1.  John and I can connect, and I can
    >> hear him, but he cannot hear me.
    >> I suspect that I have a problem with esd because when John and
    >> I connect the history in gnomemeeting reports in part "17:02:21
    >> Could not suspend ESD".

    Damien> That message appears if ESD was not running. Don't take it
    Damien> into account.  Everything seems correct, but don't forget
    Damien> that GnomeMeeting doesn't use the ALSA API, but the OSS
    Damien> API. Having ALSA is good because it will prevent problems
    Damien> for some soundcards, but you have to load the ALSA OSS
    Damien> compatibility modules and test recording with OSS programs
    Damien> like sox, rec, play.

    Damien> I suspect the problem is that you are not running the OSS
    Damien> compatibility modules of ALSA.

Andy Fraser

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