[GnomeMeeting-list] OpenH323 compilation problem

I'm trying to compile GnomeMeeting on a Mandrake 7.2 system and have run
into a curious problem. I downloaded the sources and compiled pwlib okay. I
am currently trying to compile OpenH323 but the system seems to be grinding
at this point:

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/openh323/src'
S -DPBYTE_ORDER=PLITTLE_ENDIAN -I/root/pwlib/include/ptlib/unix -DPTRACING -
r/local/openh323/include -DHAS_IXJ -DHAS_OSS -DPTRACING -I/root/pwlib/includ
e -O
3 -DNDEBUG  -c h323.cxx -o /usr/local/openh323/lib/obj_linux_x86_r/h323.o

It's now done this twice (the first time it was this way for 3 hours, this
time it's about 2.5 hours so far). The system isn't locked up, but response
is very slow. I've got one telnet window open and can eventually kill the
process with a CTRL C, but I am unable to open a second telnet session nor
am I able to get any response from the console (currently running X by
default. Didn't expect this glitch). We're talking about an old K6-300

Any idea what the problem might be?


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