You can find the FAQ update in attach. -- ================================================================ Rafael Pinilla M.D. rafa at Linux addict since 1992 ================================================================
Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/catalog Using stylesheet: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/ utils-0.6.9/docbook-utils.dsl#html Working on: /home/rafa/place/_Datex/FAQ- Gnomemeeting-0.0.6.sgml "> ************ GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg FF..AA..QQ.. ************ ******** RRaaffaaeell PPiinniillllaa aa..kk..aa TTrriissttaann oonn iirrcc..ggnnoommee..oorrgg ##ggnnoommeemmeeeettiinngg ******** This document will try to become the questions and experience repository, of the Gnomemeeting project. Any comment is welcome at my EMail r_pinilla yahoo com with subject containing -GM F.A.Q. contribution- =============================================================================== TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1. _G_e_n_e_r_a_l_i_t_i_e_s 1.1. _A_b_o_u_t_ _G_n_o_m_e_M_e_e_t_i_n_g 1.1.1. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _G_n_o_m_e_m_e_e_t_i_n_g 1.1.2. _I_s_ _i_t_ _F_r_e_e_ _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e_? 1.1.3. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _t_h_e_ _L_i_c_e_n_s_e 1.2. _G_r_e_e_t_i_n_g_s 1.2.1. _W_h_o_ _c_r_e_a_t_e_d_ _i_t_? 1.2.2. _W_h_o_ _m_a_d_e_ _t_h_e_ _l_o_g_o_? 1.2.3. _W_h_o_ _m_a_d_e_ _t_h_e_ _w_e_b_s_i_t_e_? 2. _F_e_a_t_u_r_e_s 2.1. _W_h_i_c_h_ _a_u_d_i_o_ _c_o_d_e_c_s_ _a_r_e_ _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d_? 2.2. _W_h_i_c_h_ _v_i_d_e_o_ _c_o_d_e_c_s_ _a_r_e_ _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d_? 2.3. _F_e_a_t_u_r_e_s_. 2.4. _D_o_e_s_ _i_t_ _w_o_r_k_ _w_i_t_h_ _N_e_t_m_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 3. _I_L_S_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y_ _c_o_n_c_e_r_n_s 3.1. _C_a_n_ _I_ _r_e_g_i_s_t_e_r_ _t_o_ _I_L_S_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s_ _? 3.2. _W_i_l_l_ _N_e_t_m_e_e_t_i_n_g_ _u_s_e_r_s_ _b_e_ _a_b_l_e_ _t_o_ _s_e_e_ _m_e_ _? 3.3. _C_a_n_ _I_ _s_e_r_v_e_ _m_y_ _o_w_n_ _I_L_S_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y_? 4. _H_a_r_d_w_a_r_e_ _c_o_n_c_e_r_n_s 4.1. _D_o_ _I_ _n_e_e_d_ _a_ _w_e_b_c_a_m_ _t_o_ _r_u_n_ _G_n_o_m_e_M_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 4.2. _W_h_i_c_h_ _t_y_p_e_ _o_f_ _c_a_m_e_r_a_ _c_a_n_ _I_ _u_s_e_ _w_i_t_h_ _G_n_o_m_e_M_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 4.2.1. _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_s_ _f_o_r_ _P_h_i_l_i_p_s_ _w_e_b_c_a_m 4.2.2. _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_s_ _f_o_r_ _L_o_g_i_t_e_c_h_ _w_e_b_c_a_m_s 5. _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e_ _c_o_n_c_e_r_n_s 5.1. _W_h_i_c_h_ _l_i_b_r_a_r_i_e_s_ _d_o_ _I_ _n_e_e_d_ _t_o_ _r_u_n_ _i_t_? 5.2. _H_o_w_ _c_a_n_ _I_ _c_o_m_p_i_l_e_ _G_n_o_m_e_M_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 5.2.1. _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_ _p_w_l_i_b 5.2.2. _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_ _O_p_e_n_ _H_3_2_3_. 5.2.3. _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_ _O_p_e_n_L_D_A_P 5.2.4. _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_ _G_n_o_m_e_m_e_e_t_i_n_g 5.2.5. _*_*_E_r_r_o_r_*_*_:_ _Y_o_u_ _m_u_s_t_ _h_a_v_e_ _`_i_n_t_l_t_o_o_l_'_ _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d_ _t_o_ _c_o_m_p_i_l_e _g_n_o_m_e_m_e_e_t_i_n_g_. 5.2.6. _I_'_m_ _v_e_r_y_ _l_a_z_y_,_ _d_o_n_t_ _y_o_u_ _h_a_v_e_ _a_n_ _a_u_t_o_m_a_t_e_d_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_. 5.3. _C_a_n_ _I_ _u_s_e_ _a_n_o_t_h_e_r_ _v_e_r_s_i_o_n_ _o_f_ _O_p_e_n_H_3_2_3_ _a_n_d_ _P_W_l_i_b_ _t_h_a_n_ _t_h_e_ _v_e_r_s_i_o_n_s _p_r_o_v_i_d_e_d_ _i_n_ _t_h_e_ _d_o_w_n_l_o_a_d_ _s_e_c_t_i_o_n_? 5.4. _D_o_e_s_ _i_t_ _r_u_n_ _u_n_d_e_r_ _K_D_E_? 5.5. _I_s_ _t_h_e_r_e_ _a_ _C_V_S_ _r_e_p_o_s_i_t_o_r_y_? 5.5.1. _L_o_g_i_n_ _i_n_t_o_ _C_V_S 5.5.2. _U_p_d_a_t_e_ _t_h_e_ _s_o_u_r_c_e_ _f_r_o_m_ _C_V_S 6. _G_e_t_t_i_n_g_ _i_t_ _t_o_ _w_o_r_k_ _b_e_h_i_n_d_ _a_ _f_i_r_e_w_a_l_l 6.1. _F_o_r_ _2_._2_ _k_e_r_n_e_l_s 6.2. _F_o_r_ _2_._4_ _k_e_r_n_e_l_s 7. _T_r_o_u_b_l_e_s_h_o_o_t_i_n_g 7.1. _I_ _D_o_n_'_t_ _h_a_v_e_ _a_n_y_ _/_d_e_v_/_v_i_d_e_o_*_ _d_e_v_i_c_e_ _!_ _W_h_a_t_ _c_a_n_ _I_ _d_o_ _? 7.2. _I_ _h_a_v_e_ _P_e_r_m_i_s_s_i_o_n_s_ _p_r_o_b_l_e_m_s_ _w_i_t_h_ _/_d_e_v_/_v_i_d_e_o_* 7.3. _G_o_d_ _!_ _W_h_y_ _d_o_e_s_-_i_t_ _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_ _s_o_ _b_a_d_? 7.4. _I_ _c_a_n_ _s_e_e_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_,_ _b_u_t_ _I_ _d_o_ _n_o_t_ _h_e_a_r_ _t_h_e_m_,_ _a_n_d_ _t_h_e_y_ _d_o_n_'_t_ _h_e_a_r_ _m_e_. 7.5. _V_i_d_e_o_ _t_e_s_t_ _i_s_ _w_o_r_k_i_n_g_,_ _b_u_t_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_ _d_o_ _n_o_t_ _s_e_e_ _m_e_. 7.6. _H_o_w_ _c_a_n_ _I_ _s_e_n_d_ _a_ _t_e_s_t_ _p_i_c_t_u_r_e_ _t_o_ _t_h_e_ _r_e_m_o_t_e_ _e_n_d_p_o_i_n_t_ _i_f_ _I_ _h_a_v_e_ _n_o _w_e_b_c_a_m_? 7.7. _H_o_w_ _c_a_n_ _I_ _s_h_a_r_e_ _m_y_ _d_e_s_k_t_o_p_ _o_r_ _m_a_k_e_ _a_ _t_e_x_t_ _c_h_a_t_ _w_i_t_h_ _N_e_t_m_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 7.8. _I_ _h_a_v_e_ _t_r_o_u_b_l_e_ _c_o_m_p_i_l_i_n_g_ _(_w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ _G_n_o_m_e_m_e_e_t_i_n_g_ _s_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _c_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t_)_ _w_i_t_h_ _g_c_c_ _2_._9_6_. 8. _T_u_n_i_n_g_ _Q_u_e_s_t_i_o_n_s 8.1. _W_h_a_t_ _d_o_ _t_h_e_ _s_e_t_t_i_n_g_s_ _f_o_r_ _v_i_d_e_o_ _q_u_a_l_i_t_y_ _f_r_o_m_ _1_ _t_o_ _3_1_ _m_e_a_n_s_? 8.2. _W_h_a_t_ _a_b_o_u_t_ _t_h_e_ _s_e_t_t_i_n_g_s_ _f_o_r_ _u_p_d_a_t_e_d_ _b_l_o_c_k_s_? 8.3. _I_ _p_r_e_f_e_r_ _r_e_a_l_t_i_m_e_-_S_o_u_n_d_/_B_a_d_-_V_i_d_e_o_ _t_h_a_n_ _R_e_a_l_t_i_m_e_-_V_i_d_e_o_/_B_a_d_-_S_o_u_n_d_. 8.4. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _t_h_e_ _b_e_s_t_ _a_u_d_i_o_ _c_o_d_e_c_ _s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d_ _b_y_ _G_n_o_m_e_M_e_e_t_i_n_g_? 8.5. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _a_ _G_a_t_e_k_e_e_p_e_r_ _a_n_d_ _w_h_a_t_ _d_o_e_s_ _i_t_ _d_o_? 8.6. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _H_._2_4_5_ _T_u_n_n_e_l_i_n_g_? 8.7. _W_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _f_a_s_t_ _s_t_a_r_t_? ************ 11.. GGeenneerraalliittiieess ************ ********** 11..11.. AAbboouutt GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg ********** ******** 11..11..11.. WWhhaatt iiss GGnnoommeemmeeeettiinngg ******** GnomeMeeting is an H.323 compatible client designed for the Gnome desktop. It is compatible with Netmeeting and other H.323 products. =============================================================================== ******** 11..11..22.. IIss iitt FFrreeee SSooffttwwaarree?? ******** As Free Software, you don't have to pay for it, it is free as in free speech and free beer. Yes, it is licensed under the GPL. =============================================================================== ******** 11..11..33.. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee LLiicceennssee ******** GnomeMeeting is licensed under the GPL and as a special exception, you have permission to link or otherwise combine this program with the programs OpenH323 and Pwlib, and distribute the combination, without applying the requirements of the GNU GPL to the OpenH323 program, as long as you do follow the requirements of the GNU GPL for all the rest of the software thus combined. =============================================================================== ********** 11..22.. GGrreeeettiinnggss ********** ******** 11..22..11.. WWhhoo ccrreeaatteedd iitt?? ******** The main creator of the project, and currently (26/10/2001) the unique developer, is Damien Sandras <dsandras at>. He initiated the project on the 25 december 2000, as a master thesis at the "Université Catholique de Louvain" in Belgium ( As Damien is the principal technical answerer in the mailing list, he was the first author, and right now, principal contributor of this F.A.Q. =============================================================================== ******** 11..22..22.. WWhhoo mmaaddee tthhee llooggoo?? ******** Carlos Pardo, thanks Carlos. You can visit his website at : =============================================================================== ******** 11..22..33.. WWhhoo mmaaddee tthhee wweebbssiittee?? ******** Webdesign was by Cédric Valcke. Feel free to contact him at cvalcke at . The actual website has the same nice graphic design, but is entirely php written (yet another Damien Sandras production). =============================================================================== ************ 22.. FFeeaattuurreess ************ ********** 22..11.. WWhhiicchh aauuddiioo ccooddeeccss aarree ssuuppppoorrtteedd?? ********** At the time of this writing, as of with the v0.12: GnomeMeeting supports the following audio codecs : LPC10, GSM-06.10, MS-GSM, G.711-Alaw, G.711-uLaw =============================================================================== ********** 22..22.. WWhhiicchh vviiddeeoo ccooddeeccss aarree ssuuppppoorrtteedd?? ********** GnomeMeeting supports the H.261 video codecs (QCIF and CIF sizes) =============================================================================== ********** 22..33.. FFeeaattuurreess.. ********** GnomeMeeting supports the following audio codecs : LPC10, GSM-06.10, MS-GSM, G.711-Alaw, G.711-uLaw GnomeMeeting supports the following video codecs : H.261-QCIF and H.261-CIF GnomeMeeting supports H.245 Tunnelling, Fast Start, auto answering of incoming calls, and do not disturb mode GnomeMeeting can register with ILS directories and browse them to search for users following several criteria GnomeMeeting provides an intuitive GUI and is easily configurable. GnomeMeeting provides an advanced personal settings management. GnomeMeeting can modify the soundcard and camera settings. GnomeMeeting provides an animated status docklet that appears in the Gnome or KDE panel and that can control it. GnomeMeeting provides internationalization support. For the most recent feature updates, please see features.php =============================================================================== ********** 22..44.. DDooeess iitt wwoorrkk wwiitthh NNeettmmeeeettiinngg?? ********** GnomeMeeting works with Netmeeting 3.01 and even with Netmeeting for Windows XP. =============================================================================== ************ 33.. IILLSS ddiirreeccttoorryy ccoonncceerrnnss ************ ********** 33..11.. CCaann II rreeggiisstteerr ttoo IILLSS ddiirreeccttoorriieess ?? ********** Yes, but some directories give error messages and deny GnomeMeeting registration. =============================================================================== ********** 33..22.. WWiillll NNeettmmeeeettiinngg uusseerrss bbee aabbllee ttoo sseeee mmee ?? ********** No, because Netmeeting asks the ILS directory to list people using Netmeeting and not other software like GnomeMeeting, but you will be able to see those people and contact them. =============================================================================== ********** 33..33.. CCaann II sseerrvvee mmyy oowwnn IILLSS ddiirreeccttoorryy?? ********** Yes. The HOWTO here describes how to set up ILS using OpenLDAP servers. To allow Netmeeting users to see GnomeMeeting users, it is necessary to modify the netmeeting.perl script to substitute the search query executed by Netmeeting. A compatible server is temporarily running at =============================================================================== ************ 44.. HHaarrddwwaarree ccoonncceerrnnss ************ ********** 44..11.. DDoo II nneeeedd aa wweebbccaamm ttoo rruunn GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg?? ********** No, a working soundcard is enough. =============================================================================== ********** 44..22.. WWhhiicchh ttyyppee ooff ccaammeerraa ccaann II uussee wwiitthh GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg?? ********** Every camera supported by the Linux kernel and that understands the Video4Linux API (Philips webcams, Creative webcams, and many others...) Please mail r_pinilla at so that we can build a list of supported webcams and give an appreciation of the webcam quality when used together with GnomeMeeting. Please insert the string “ GM-webcam “ in your subject. =============================================================================== ******** 44..22..11.. RReessoouurrcceess ffoorr PPhhiilliippss wweebbccaamm ******** URLs: Philips USB webcams: Compatibility: Good Tips & tricks: Supported models: all the 6XX and 7XX USB series are known to work. =============================================================================== ******** 44..22..22.. RReessoouurrcceess ffoorr LLooggiitteecchh wweebbccaammss ******** Resources for Creative webcams =============================================================================== ************ 55.. SSooffttwwaarree ccoonncceerrnnss ************ ********** 55..11.. WWhhiicchh lliibbrraarriieess ddoo II nneeeedd ttoo rruunn iitt?? ********** You will need : the standard Gnome Libraries : the OpenH323 library : see the download section of this site the PWLib library : see the download section of this site the OpenLDAP library : included in your distribution, or http:// =============================================================================== ********** 55..22.. HHooww ccaann II ccoommppiillee GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg?? ********** Simply use the binaries from your distribution, the ones in the download section, or : As root, follow the steps : =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..11.. CCoommppiillee ppwwlliibb ******** Extract it: tar xvzf pwlib_X.X.X.tar.gz export PWLIBDIR=<the directory where you extracted pwlib> cd $PWLIBDIR make opt And then do the following : cp -d $PWLIBDIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ Then, add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ and run ldconfig =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..22.. CCoommppiillee OOppeenn HH332233.. ******** Download it either from or from http:// extract it : tar xvzf openh323_X.X.X.tar.gz export OPENH323DIR=<the directory where you extracted openh323> cd $OPENH323DIR make opt$OPENH323DIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib cp -d $OPENH323DIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ Then, run ldconfig. If you have any problem, please have a look at openh323 FAQ : http:// =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..33.. CCoommppiillee OOppeennLLDDAAPP ******** Check if it is installed in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib (ls /usr/lib/libldap*) Installation is beyond the scope of this FAQ. Check for more information on how to install the OpenLDAP libraries. =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..44.. CCoommppiillee GGnnoommeemmeeeettiinngg ******** Download it on Extract it: tar zxvf GnomeMeeting-0.XX.tar.gz cd into the directory where you just extracted it run the ./configure script that supports several parameters : --prefix=/usr to install it in /usr --with-ptlib-includes= specifies the location of PTlib headers (for example,/ opt/pwlib/include/ptlib if you extracted PWlib in /opt, default is /usr/ include/ptlib) --with-ptlib-libs= specifies the location of the PTlib libraries --with-openh323-includes= specifies the location of OpenH323 headers --with-openh323-libs= specifies the location of the OpenH323 libraries For OpenSSL, and LDAP related options, try ./configure --help for more information. make make install You should have the gnomemeeting executable available. =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..55.. ****EErrrroorr****:: YYoouu mmuusstt hhaavvee ``iinnttllttooooll'' iinnssttaalllleedd ttoo ccoommppiillee ggnnoommeemmeeeettiinngg.. ******** Get (or a newer version if it is available) =============================================================================== ******** 55..22..66.. II''mm vveerryy llaazzyy,, ddoonntt yyoouu hhaavvee aann aauuttoommaatteedd ssccrriipptt.. ******** Yes, we have. #!/bin/sh ####################################################################### # # Build v1.2 # Little scipt to get GnomeMeeting and all his components compiled # from scratch # Author Paul (Paul666 mailandnews com) # Revised by Rafael Pinilla (r_pinilla yahoo com) # ####################################################################### # OH323: name of the last release of the OpenH323 tar.gz archive OH323=openh323_1.7.4.tar.gz # PWLIB: name of the last release of working PWLIB tar.gz archive PWLIB=pwlib_1.2.5-patched.tar.gz # PWVER: PWlib version, usefull when making symlinks PWVER=1.2.5 # Define the GMMODE variable. How to grab GnomeMeeting sources ? # Stand for: GMMODE=CVS to grab it from CVS # GMMODE=TGZ to grab it from tar.gz file, but then, you must # define the GMSRC (Name of the archive) # and GMHTTP (Where to grab it) # GMMODE can have one of 2 values: TGZ for classic grabing # CVS for cvs grabing GMMODE=TGZ GMSRC=GnomeMeeting-0.12.2.tar.gz # When plain old tar.gz release is choosen, the name of the gnomeMeeting # directory is GnomeMeeting-X.Y.Z GMDIR=GnomeMeeting-0.12.2 # Where wget should get the tar.gz GnomeMeeting sources GMHTTP= # Name of the CVS directory. Used to get it and to use it localy CVSDIR=gnomemeeting # gnome cvs public coordinates CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome' # OpenH323 http source OHTTP= # PWlib http source PWHTTP= # Where will be the libs in your system ? LIBDIR=/usr/lib # So, what release of gcc have you ? # 'gcc -v' to know it. # Under my system, gcc is a symlink to gcc-2.95 # but I can use 'gcc-3.0' instead CC=gcc-2.95 export PWLIBDIR=`pwd`/pwlib export OPENH323DIR=`pwd`/openh323 export OH323 export OHHTTP export PWLIB export PWVER export PWHTTP export GMMODE export GMSRC export GMDIR export GMHTTP export CVSDIR export CVSROOT export LIBDIR export CC #Get downloadable sources echo " " echo " " echo "###############################################################" echo "# #" echo "# Starting GnomeMeeting compile from scratch #" echo "# #" echo "###############################################################" echo " " echo " " [ -f $OH323 ] || { wget $OHTTP/$OH323 echo " " echo "###############################" echo "End of wget OpenH323" echo "###############################" echo " " } [ -f $PWLIB ] || { wget $PWHTTP/$PWLIB echo " " echo "###############################" echo "End of wget H323" echo "###############################" echo " " } # Get cvs sources # if [ $GMMODE = "CVS" ]; then [ -d $CVSDIR ] || { echo Press return when prompted cvs -d$CVSROOT login cvs -d$CVSROOT -z3 co $CVSDIR (cd $CVSDIR; cvs -z3 update) echo " " echo "#########################################" echo " End of GnomeMeeting cvs update" echo "#########################################" echo " " } else [ -f $GMSRC ] || { wget $GMHTTP/$GMSRC echo " " echo "########################################" echo " End of GnomeMeeting wget" echo "########################################" echo " " } fi #Compile pwlib [ -d $PWLIBDIR ] || tar xzvf $PWLIB ( export PWLIBDIR=`pwd`/pwlib cd $PWLIBDIR #make both make opt make both echo " " echo "###############################" echo " End of pwlib build" echo "###############################" echo " " # Dirty style # cp -dv $PWLIBDIR/lib/*so* $LIBDIR # ln -s $LIBDIR/ $LIBDIR/ cd lib # Clean way to do it LIBNAME=`ls -l|sed 's/.*-> //'` echo " " echo $LIBNAME echo " " echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "tar cfv - libpt*.so*|(cd $LIBDIR;tar xf -;ln -sf $LIBNAME" ) # Compile openh323 [ -d $OPENH323DIR ] || tar xzvf $OH323 ( cd $OPENH323DIR make opt make all echo "###############################" echo " End of OpenH323 Build" echo "###############################" cd lib LIBNAME=`ls -l|sed 's/.*-> //'` echo "###########" $LIBNAME echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "tar cfv - libh323*.so*|(cd $LIBDIR;tar xf -;ln -sf $LIBNAME" ) echo " " echo "######################################" echo " Looking for updated libs..." echo " " echo enterr root password if prompted su root -c "grep -q $LIBDIR /etc/ || echo $LIBDIR >> /etc/; ldconfig -v |egrep 'libh323|libpt' " # First, extract tar.gz if TGZ is choosen if [ $GMMODE = "TGZ" ]; then { [ -d $GMDIR ] || tar zxvf $GMSRC cd $GMDIR rm -f config.h } else cd $CVSDIR fi pwd # Compile gnomemeeting ( [ -f configure ] || ./ [ -f config.h ] || ./configure \ --with-ptlib-includes=$PWLIBDIR/include/ptlib \ --with-ptlib-libs=$LIBDIR \ --with-openh323-libs=$LIBDIR \ --with-openh323-includes=$OPENH323DIR/include \ --with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl \ --bindir=/usr/ # cp -v /usr/include/ldap.h src make echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "make install" ) Stay tuned, more to come. =============================================================================== ********** 55..33.. CCaann II uussee aannootthheerr vveerrssiioonn ooff OOppeennHH332233 aanndd PPWWlliibb tthhaann tthhee vveerrssiioonnss pprroovviiddeedd iinn tthhee ddoowwnnllooaadd sseeccttiioonn?? ********** Yes, if these versions are newer. Don't use old version of the libraries. =============================================================================== ********** 55..44.. DDooeess iitt rruunn uunnddeerr KKDDEE?? ********** Yes, provided you have installed the gnome libraries. GnomeMeeting 0.12 provides support for status docklet. It means that Gnome and KDE users will have the possibility to add a status docklet in their panel. =============================================================================== ********** 55..55.. IIss tthheerree aa CCVVSS rreeppoossiittoorryy?? ********** Yes. It is the Gnome CVS. Gnomemeeting, being natively a Gnome component, you can find it in the Gnome CVS: =============================================================================== ******** 55..55..11.. LLooggiinn iinnttoo CCVVSS ******** First you need to setup a few environmental variables. The first command you need is: $ export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome' You might want to put this in a script. cvs login (There is no password, so just press 'Return'.) You only need to run this command once, not every time you access CVS. Now grab the Gnomemeeting package. $ cvs -z3 checkout gnomemeeting Then, cvs download the last anonymous public version of Gnomemeeting. Please use the -z3 option to minimize network bandwidth (-z9 eats too much CPU time - please don't use it). =============================================================================== ******** 55..55..22.. UUppddaattee tthhee ssoouurrccee ffrroomm CCVVSS ******** We assume that you first used all the chapter 4.5.1 procedure. To update the source, first change directory to where cvs downloaded the gnomemeeting source $ cvs -z3 update -Pd gnomemeeting =============================================================================== ************ 66.. GGeettttiinngg iitt ttoo wwoorrkk bbeehhiinndd aa ffiirreewwaallll ************ H323 relies on a very special protocol behaviour that uses several ports : H.323 uses/relies on the following data streams: Port Description 389 Internet Locator Server (TCP) 522 User Location Server (TCP) 1503 T.120 Protocol (TCP) 1720 H.323 (H.225 call setup, TCP) 1731 Audio call control (TCP) Dynamic H.245 call control (TCP) Dynamic RTCP/RTP streaming (UDP) =============================================================================== ********** 66..11.. FFoorr 22..22 kkeerrnneellss ********** The appropriate module can be found on : sofia/nat/nat2/nat2.htm A little Howto: (english) The same Howto in French =============================================================================== ********** 66..22.. FFoorr 22..44 kkeerrnneellss ********** The newnat netfilter modules can be found on:˜kadlec/ sw/netfilter/ =============================================================================== ************ 77.. TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ************ ********** 77..11.. II DDoonn''tt hhaavvee aannyy //ddeevv//vviiddeeoo** ddeevviiccee !! WWhhaatt ccaann II ddoo ?? ********** Create it by hand, being root: localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 0 /dev/video0 localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 1 /dev/video1 localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 2 /dev/video2 You should create a symlink from /dev/video to the one you want used first localhost:/dev# ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video =============================================================================== ********** 77..22.. II hhaavvee PPeerrmmiissssiioonnss pprroobblleemmss wwiitthh //ddeevv//vviiddeeoo** ********** You should have the following permissions in your /dev/video* devices lrwxrwxrwx 1 root video 11 Aug 25 02:37 video -> /dev/video0 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 0 Aug 25 02:37 video0 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 2 Aug 25 02:18 video2 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 1 Aug 25 02:18 video1 So, if you haven't done it yet, add your username at the end of the 'video' line in the file '/etc/group'. you should see the line: video:x:44:username Then, give the necessary permissions to the devices: chown /dev/video0 chown /dev/video1 chown /dev/video2 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video0 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video1 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video2 =============================================================================== ********** 77..33.. GGoodd !! WWhhyy ddooeess--iitt ffuunnccttiioonn ssoo bbaadd?? ********** The camera occasionally starts up in a higher resolution mode and I only see 1/ 4 of its field of view in the small window mode. Are you sure that your driver support 176x144 as capture size? Try to look about that in the doc. =============================================================================== ********** 77..44.. II ccaann sseeee ppeeooppllee,, bbuutt II ddoo nnoott hheeaarr tthheemm,, aanndd tthheeyy ddoonn''tt hheeaarr mmee.. ********** There can be several causes for that problem : * You are trying to contact Netmeeting people that have no common codecs with you. Tell them to install the MS-GSM codec or to enable the G.711 codec. * Your are using the OSS kernel drivers. Please use the ALSA drivers. Most of the OSS kernel drivers are not full-duplex, it means that they are unable to record and play audio at the same time. * You are natted, and you didn't install the modules. * You are firewalled and firewall rules drop the audio/video packets. Please check your firewall rules. =============================================================================== ********** 77..55.. VViiddeeoo tteesstt iiss wwoorrkkiinngg,, bbuutt ppeeooppllee ddoo nnoott sseeee mmee.. ********** Netmeeting seems to have problem if you choose to send images with size being set to 'Large'. You forgot to enable video transmission in the settings. =============================================================================== ********** 77..66.. HHooww ccaann II sseenndd aa tteesstt ppiiccttuurree ttoo tthhee rreemmoottee eennddppooiinntt iiff II hhaavvee nnoo wweebbccaamm?? ********** You can always select "Enable Video Transmission". When clicking on Apply, you will get a warning but a test picture will be sent to the remote endpoint during calls. =============================================================================== ********** 77..77.. HHooww ccaann II sshhaarree mmyy ddeesskkttoopp oorr mmaakkee aa tteexxtt cchhaatt wwiitthh NNeettmmeeeettiinngg?? ********** It is not possible. This kind of things is based on the T.120 protocol. GnomeMeeting currently only supports the H.323 protocol for video-conferencing, but it doesn't prevent you to trying to implement that protocol or to use dedicated software like VNC or ICQ for that purpose. =============================================================================== ********** 77..88.. II hhaavvee ttrroouubbllee ccoommppiilliinngg ((wwhhaatteevveerr GGnnoommeemmeeeettiinngg ssooffttwwaarree ccoommppoonneenntt)) wwiitthh ggcccc 22..9966.. ********** It seems that using the gcc version 2.96, from RedHat (whatever release you use), can produce severe binary corruption on the SIMD code (Simple Instruction Multiple Data usually found in MMX acceleration portions, for example). If you compile from scratch, please use the same vanilla gcc compiler as found on Gcc v3.01 works fine or use exclusively the -m=i386 and NOT -m=686 References: =============================================================================== ************ 88.. TTuunniinngg QQuueessttiioonnss ************ ********** 88..11.. WWhhaatt ddoo tthhee sseettttiinnggss ffoorr vviiddeeoo qquuaalliittyy ffrroomm 11 ttoo 3311 mmeeaannss?? ********** 1 is best quality, 31 is bad quality, but uses less bandwidth. =============================================================================== ********** 88..22.. WWhhaatt aabboouutt tthhee sseettttiinnggss ffoorr uuppddaatteedd bblloocckkss?? ********** Updated Blocks permits you to choose the number of blocks (that haven't changed) transmitted with each frame. These blocks fill in the background. If you choose to transmit 99 blocks that have not changed with each frame, lot of background blocks will be transmitted with each frame, and the picture will be more often refreshed. So it is the best quality, but it will need more bandwidth. =============================================================================== ********** 88..33.. II pprreeffeerr rreeaallttiimmee--SSoouunndd//BBaadd--VViiddeeoo tthhaann RReeaallttiimmee--VViiddeeoo//BBaadd--SSoouunndd.. ********** Gnomemeeting (> 0.12) contains support to set the jitter buffer delay and limit the bandwidth. If you increase the jitter buffer for audio, you should not loose audio frames. You can also limit the video bandwidth by using the dedicated option, but the result will not always be as good as expected. There are other ways to limit the video bandwidth : - set the video quality to 31 - set the setting for updated blocks to 2 - limit the transmitted frames per second to 1 FPS =============================================================================== ********** 88..44.. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee bbeesstt aauuddiioo ccooddeecc ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy GGnnoommeeMMeeeettiinngg?? ********** GSM. GSM is not supported by Microsoft Netmeeting, but you can add it to Netmeeting. Just download the executable in the download section of http:// =============================================================================== ********** 88..55.. WWhhaatt iiss aa GGaatteekkeeeeppeerr aanndd wwhhaatt ddooeess iitt ddoo?? ********** This component of H.323 manages the bandwidth inbound and outbound from the LAN. Gatekeepers register clients and coordinate communications with other gatekeepers. There are four features in a Gatekeeper: 1. Admission control authorizes clients' access to the LAN. 2. Bandwidth control for each network segment managed. Client 3. network addresses are translated so those participants can dial network locations with aliases (such as e-mail addresses) instead of IP addresses. 4. Call management monitors H.323 calls, tracks rejected calls, accounts for use of WAN links and monitors other H.323 Components. =============================================================================== ********** 88..66.. WWhhaatt iiss HH..224455 TTuunnnneelliinngg?? ********** This is the encapsulation of H.245 messages within H.225/Q.931 messages (H.245 tunneling). If you have a firewall and enable H.245 Tunneling, there is one less TCP port that you need to allow for incoming connections. =============================================================================== ********** 88..77.. WWhhaatt iiss ffaasstt ssttaarrtt?? ********** Fast Connect is a new method of call setup that bypasses some usual steps in order to make it faster. In addition to the speed improvement, Fast Connect allows the media channels to be operational before the CONNECT message is sent, which is a requirement for certain billing procedures. It was introduced in OpenH323 version2Title: GnomeMeeting F.A.Q.
Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/catalog
Using stylesheet: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.9/docbook-utils.dsl#html
Working on: /home/rafa/place/_Datex/FAQ-Gnomemeeting-0.0.6.sgml
1. Generalities1.1. About GnomeMeeting1.1.1. What is GnomemeetingGnomeMeeting is an H.323 compatible client designed for the Gnome desktop. It is compatible with Netmeeting and other H.323 products. 1.1.2. Is it Free Software?As Free Software, you don't have to pay for it, it is free as in free speech and free beer. Yes, it is licensed under the GPL. 1.1.3. What is the LicenseGnomeMeeting is licensed under the GPL and as a special exception, you have permission to link or otherwise combine this program with the programs OpenH323 and Pwlib, and distribute the combination, without applying the requirements of the GNU GPL to the OpenH323 program, as long as you do follow the requirements of the GNU GPL for all the rest of the software thus combined. 1.2. Greetings1.2.1. Who created it?The main creator of the project, and currently (26/10/2001) the unique developer, is Damien Sandras <dsandras at>. He initiated the project on the 25 december 2000, as a master thesis at the "Université Catholique de Louvain" in Belgium ( As Damien is the principal technical answerer in the mailing list, he was the first author, and right now, principal contributor of this F.A.Q. 1.2.2. Who made the logo?Carlos Pardo, thanks Carlos. You can visit his website at : 1.2.3. Who made the website?Webdesign was by Cédric Valcke. Feel free to contact him at cvalcke at . The actual website has the same nice graphic design, but is entirely php written (yet another Damien Sandras production). 2. Features2.1. Which audio codecs are supported?At the time of this writing, as of with the v0.12: GnomeMeeting supports the following audio codecs : LPC10, GSM-06.10, MS-GSM, G.711-Alaw, G.711-uLaw 2.2. Which video codecs are supported?GnomeMeeting supports the H.261 video codecs (QCIF and CIF sizes) 2.3. Features.GnomeMeeting supports the following audio codecs : LPC10, GSM-06.10, MS-GSM, G.711-Alaw, G.711-uLaw GnomeMeeting supports the following video codecs : H.261-QCIF and H.261-CIF GnomeMeeting supports H.245 Tunnelling, Fast Start, auto answering of incoming calls, and do not disturb mode GnomeMeeting can register with ILS directories and browse them to search for users following several criteria GnomeMeeting provides an intuitive GUI and is easily configurable. GnomeMeeting provides an advanced personal settings management. GnomeMeeting can modify the soundcard and camera settings. GnomeMeeting provides an animated status docklet that appears in the Gnome or KDE panel and that can control it. GnomeMeeting provides internationalization support. For the most recent feature updates, please see 2.4. Does it work with Netmeeting?GnomeMeeting works with Netmeeting 3.01 and even with Netmeeting for Windows XP. 3. ILS directory concerns3.1. Can I register to ILS directories ?Yes, but some directories give error messages and deny GnomeMeeting registration. 3.2. Will Netmeeting users be able to see me ?No, because Netmeeting asks the ILS directory to list people using Netmeeting and not other software like GnomeMeeting, but you will be able to see those people and contact them. 3.3. Can I serve my own ILS directory?Yes. The HOWTO here describes how to set up ILS using OpenLDAP servers. To allow Netmeeting users to see GnomeMeeting users, it is necessary to modify the netmeeting.perl script to substitute the search query executed by Netmeeting. A compatible server is temporarily running at 4. Hardware concerns4.1. Do I need a webcam to run GnomeMeeting?No, a working soundcard is enough. 4.2. Which type of camera can I use with GnomeMeeting?Every camera supported by the Linux kernel and that understands the Video4Linux API (Philips webcams, Creative webcams, and many others...) Please mail r_pinilla at so that we can build a list of supported webcams and give an appreciation of the webcam quality when used together with GnomeMeeting. Please insert the string “ GM-webcam “ in your subject. 4.2.1. Resources for Philips webcamURLs: Philips USB webcams: Compatibility: Good Tips & tricks: Supported models: all the 6XX and 7XX USB series are known to work. 5. Software concerns5.1. Which libraries do I need to run it?You will need : the standard Gnome Libraries : the OpenH323 library : see the download section of this site the PWLib library : see the download section of this site the OpenLDAP library : included in your distribution, or 5.2. How can I compile GnomeMeeting?Simply use the binaries from your distribution, the ones in the download section, or : As root, follow the steps : 5.2.1. Compile pwlibExtract it: tar xvzf pwlib_X.X.X.tar.gz export PWLIBDIR=<the directory where you extracted pwlib> cd $PWLIBDIR make opt And then do the following : cp -d $PWLIBDIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ Then, add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ and run ldconfig 5.2.2. Compile Open H323.Download it either from or from extract it : tar xvzf openh323_X.X.X.tar.gz export OPENH323DIR=<the directory where you extracted openh323> cd $OPENH323DIR make opt$OPENH323DIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib cp -d $OPENH323DIR/lib/*so* /usr/local/lib ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ Then, run ldconfig. If you have any problem, please have a look at openh323 FAQ : 5.2.3. Compile OpenLDAPCheck if it is installed in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib (ls /usr/lib/libldap*) Installation is beyond the scope of this FAQ. Check for more information on how to install the OpenLDAP libraries. 5.2.4. Compile GnomemeetingDownload it on Extract it: tar zxvf GnomeMeeting-0.XX.tar.gz cd into the directory where you just extracted it run the ./configure script that supports several parameters : --prefix=/usr to install it in /usr --with-ptlib-includes= specifies the location of PTlib headers (for example,/opt/pwlib/include/ptlib if you extracted PWlib in /opt, default is /usr/include/ptlib) --with-ptlib-libs= specifies the location of the PTlib libraries --with-openh323-includes= specifies the location of OpenH323 headers --with-openh323-libs= specifies the location of the OpenH323 libraries For OpenSSL, and LDAP related options, try ./configure --help for more information. make make install You should have the gnomemeeting executable available. 5.2.5. **Error**: You must have `intltool' installed to compile gnomemeeting.Get (or a newer version if it is available) 5.2.6. I'm very lazy, dont you have an automated script.Yes, we have. #!/bin/sh ####################################################################### # # Build v1.2 # Little scipt to get GnomeMeeting and all his components compiled # from scratch # Author Paul (Paul666 mailandnews com) # Revised by Rafael Pinilla (r_pinilla yahoo com) # ####################################################################### # OH323: name of the last release of the OpenH323 tar.gz archive OH323=openh323_1.7.4.tar.gz # PWLIB: name of the last release of working PWLIB tar.gz archive PWLIB=pwlib_1.2.5-patched.tar.gz # PWVER: PWlib version, usefull when making symlinks PWVER=1.2.5 # Define the GMMODE variable. How to grab GnomeMeeting sources ? # Stand for: GMMODE=CVS to grab it from CVS # GMMODE=TGZ to grab it from tar.gz file, but then, you must # define the GMSRC (Name of the archive) # and GMHTTP (Where to grab it) # GMMODE can have one of 2 values: TGZ for classic grabing # CVS for cvs grabing GMMODE=TGZ GMSRC=GnomeMeeting-0.12.2.tar.gz # When plain old tar.gz release is choosen, the name of the gnomeMeeting # directory is GnomeMeeting-X.Y.Z GMDIR=GnomeMeeting-0.12.2 # Where wget should get the tar.gz GnomeMeeting sources GMHTTP= # Name of the CVS directory. Used to get it and to use it localy CVSDIR=gnomemeeting # gnome cvs public coordinates CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome' # OpenH323 http source OHTTP= # PWlib http source PWHTTP= # Where will be the libs in your system ? LIBDIR=/usr/lib # So, what release of gcc have you ? # 'gcc -v' to know it. # Under my system, gcc is a symlink to gcc-2.95 # but I can use 'gcc-3.0' instead CC=gcc-2.95 export PWLIBDIR=`pwd`/pwlib export OPENH323DIR=`pwd`/openh323 export OH323 export OHHTTP export PWLIB export PWVER export PWHTTP export GMMODE export GMSRC export GMDIR export GMHTTP export CVSDIR export CVSROOT export LIBDIR export CC #Get downloadable sources echo " " echo " " echo "###############################################################" echo "# #" echo "# Starting GnomeMeeting compile from scratch #" echo "# #" echo "###############################################################" echo " " echo " " [ -f $OH323 ] || { wget $OHTTP/$OH323 echo " " echo "###############################" echo "End of wget OpenH323" echo "###############################" echo " " } [ -f $PWLIB ] || { wget $PWHTTP/$PWLIB echo " " echo "###############################" echo "End of wget H323" echo "###############################" echo " " } # Get cvs sources # if [ $GMMODE = "CVS" ]; then [ -d $CVSDIR ] || { echo Press return when prompted cvs -d$CVSROOT login cvs -d$CVSROOT -z3 co $CVSDIR (cd $CVSDIR; cvs -z3 update) echo " " echo "#########################################" echo " End of GnomeMeeting cvs update" echo "#########################################" echo " " } else [ -f $GMSRC ] || { wget $GMHTTP/$GMSRC echo " " echo "########################################" echo " End of GnomeMeeting wget" echo "########################################" echo " " } fi #Compile pwlib [ -d $PWLIBDIR ] || tar xzvf $PWLIB ( export PWLIBDIR=`pwd`/pwlib cd $PWLIBDIR #make both make opt make both echo " " echo "###############################" echo " End of pwlib build" echo "###############################" echo " " # Dirty style # cp -dv $PWLIBDIR/lib/*so* $LIBDIR # ln -s $LIBDIR/ $LIBDIR/ cd lib # Clean way to do it LIBNAME=`ls -l|sed 's/.*-> //'` echo " " echo $LIBNAME echo " " echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "tar cfv - libpt*.so*|(cd $LIBDIR;tar xf -;ln -sf $LIBNAME" ) # Compile openh323 [ -d $OPENH323DIR ] || tar xzvf $OH323 ( cd $OPENH323DIR make opt make all echo "###############################" echo " End of OpenH323 Build" echo "###############################" cd lib LIBNAME=`ls -l|sed 's/.*-> //'` echo "###########" $LIBNAME echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "tar cfv - libh323*.so*|(cd $LIBDIR;tar xf -;ln -sf $LIBNAME" ) echo " " echo "######################################" echo " Looking for updated libs..." echo " " echo enterr root password if prompted su root -c "grep -q $LIBDIR /etc/ || echo $LIBDIR >> /etc/; ldconfig -v |egrep 'libh323|libpt' " # First, extract tar.gz if TGZ is choosen if [ $GMMODE = "TGZ" ]; then { [ -d $GMDIR ] || tar zxvf $GMSRC cd $GMDIR rm -f config.h } else cd $CVSDIR fi pwd # Compile gnomemeeting ( [ -f configure ] || ./ [ -f config.h ] || ./configure \ --with-ptlib-includes=$PWLIBDIR/include/ptlib \ --with-ptlib-libs=$LIBDIR \ --with-openh323-libs=$LIBDIR \ --with-openh323-includes=$OPENH323DIR/include \ --with-openssl-includes=/usr/include/openssl \ --bindir=/usr/ # cp -v /usr/include/ldap.h src make echo Enter root password if prompted su root -c "make install" ) Stay tuned, more to come. 5.3. Can I use another version of OpenH323 and PWlib than the versions provided in the download section?Yes, if these versions are newer. Don't use old version of the libraries. 5.4. Does it run under KDE?Yes, provided you have installed the gnome libraries. GnomeMeeting 0.12 provides support for status docklet. It means that Gnome and KDE users will have the possibility to add a status docklet in their panel. 5.5. Is there a CVS repository?Yes. It is the Gnome CVS. Gnomemeeting, being natively a Gnome component, you can find it in the Gnome CVS: 5.5.1. Login into CVSFirst you need to setup a few environmental variables. The first command you need is: $ export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome' You might want to put this in a script. cvs login (There is no password, so just press 'Return'.) You only need to run this command once, not every time you access CVS. Now grab the Gnomemeeting package. $ cvs -z3 checkout gnomemeeting Then, cvs download the last anonymous public version of Gnomemeeting. Please use the -z3 option to minimize network bandwidth (-z9 eats too much CPU time - please don't use it). 5.5.2. Update the source from CVSWe assume that you first used all the chapter 4.5.1 procedure. To update the source, first change directory to where cvs downloaded the gnomemeeting source $ cvs -z3 update -Pd gnomemeeting 6. Getting it to work behind a firewallH323 relies on a very special protocol behaviour that uses several ports : H.323 uses/relies on the following data streams: Port Description 389 Internet Locator Server (TCP) 522 User Location Server (TCP) 1503 T.120 Protocol (TCP) 1720 H.323 (H.225 call setup, TCP) 1731 Audio call control (TCP) Dynamic H.245 call control (TCP) Dynamic RTCP/RTP streaming (UDP) 6.1. For 2.2 kernelsThe appropriate module can be found on : A little Howto: (english) The same Howto in French 6.2. For 2.4 kernelsThe newnat netfilter modules can be found on:˜kadlec/sw/netfilter/ 7. Troubleshooting7.1. I Don't have any /dev/video* device ! What can I do ?Create it by hand, being root: localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 0 /dev/video0 localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 1 /dev/video1 localhost:/dev# mknod c 81 2 /dev/video2 You should create a symlink from /dev/video to the one you want used first localhost:/dev# ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video 7.2. I have Permissions problems with /dev/video*You should have the following permissions in your /dev/video* devices lrwxrwxrwx 1 root video 11 Aug 25 02:37 video -> /dev/video0 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 0 Aug 25 02:37 video0 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 2 Aug 25 02:18 video2 crw-rw-r-- 1 root video 81, 1 Aug 25 02:18 video1 So, if you haven't done it yet, add your username at the end of the 'video' line in the file '/etc/group'. you should see the line: video:x:44:username Then, give the necessary permissions to the devices: chown /dev/video0 chown /dev/video1 chown /dev/video2 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video0 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video1 chmod u=rw g=rw /dev/video2 7.3. God ! Why does-it function so bad?The camera occasionally starts up in a higher resolution mode and I only see 1/4 of its field of view in the small window mode. Are you sure that your driver support 176x144 as capture size? Try to look about that in the doc. 7.4. I can see people, but I do not hear them, and they don't hear me.There can be several causes for that problem :
7.5. Video test is working, but people do not see me.Netmeeting seems to have problem if you choose to send images with size being set to 'Large'. You forgot to enable video transmission in the settings. 7.6. How can I send a test picture to the remote endpoint if I have no webcam?You can always select "Enable Video Transmission". When clicking on Apply, you will get a warning but a test picture will be sent to the remote endpoint during calls. 7.7. How can I share my desktop or make a text chat with Netmeeting?It is not possible. This kind of things is based on the T.120 protocol. GnomeMeeting currently only supports the H.323 protocol for video-conferencing, but it doesn't prevent you to trying to implement that protocol or to use dedicated software like VNC or ICQ for that purpose. 7.8. I have trouble compiling (whatever Gnomemeeting software component) with gcc 2.96.It seems that using the gcc version 2.96, from RedHat (whatever release you use), can produce severe binary corruption on the SIMD code (Simple Instruction Multiple Data usually found in MMX acceleration portions, for example). If you compile from scratch, please use the same vanilla gcc compiler as found on Gcc v3.01 works fine or use exclusively the -m=i386 and NOT -m=686 References: 8. Tuning Questions8.1. What do the settings for video quality from 1 to 31 means?1 is best quality, 31 is bad quality, but uses less bandwidth. 8.2. What about the settings for updated blocks?Updated Blocks permits you to choose the number of blocks (that haven't changed) transmitted with each frame. These blocks fill in the background. If you choose to transmit 99 blocks that have not changed with each frame, lot of background blocks will be transmitted with each frame, and the picture will be more often refreshed. So it is the best quality, but it will need more bandwidth. 8.3. I prefer realtime-Sound/Bad-Video than Realtime-Video/Bad-Sound.Gnomemeeting (> 0.12) contains support to set the jitter buffer delay and limit the bandwidth. If you increase the jitter buffer for audio, you should not loose audio frames. You can also limit the video bandwidth by using the dedicated option, but the result will not always be as good as expected. There are other ways to limit the video bandwidth : - set the video quality to 31 - set the setting for updated blocks to 2 - limit the transmitted frames per second to 1 FPS 8.4. What is the best audio codec supported by GnomeMeeting?GSM. GSM is not supported by Microsoft Netmeeting, but you can add it to Netmeeting. Just download the executable in the download section of 8.5. What is a Gatekeeper and what does it do?This component of H.323 manages the bandwidth inbound and outbound from the LAN. Gatekeepers register clients and coordinate communications with other gatekeepers. There are four features in a Gatekeeper:
8.6. What is H.245 Tunneling?This is the encapsulation of H.245 messages within H.225/Q.931 messages (H.245 tunneling). If you have a firewall and enable H.245 Tunneling, there is one less TCP port that you need to allow for incoming connections. 8.7. What is fast start?Fast Connect is a new method of call setup that bypasses some usual steps in order to make it faster. In addition to the speed improvement, Fast Connect allows the media channels to be operational before the CONNECT message is sent, which is a requirement for certain billing procedures. It was introduced in OpenH323 version2 |
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