Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: [OpenH323]VIDEO ISSUE SOLVED:Reg Latest Openh323 compilation in Linux

Hi Craig,

sorry to jump into the thread at this point. If any of my proposals has
already been raised, then please just shortly notify me where and what
was the answer.

I'd think that showing both styles at the same time will increase
confusion. So if there's a need to have both ways to list, then it
should be a switch in the plugin to ask it which list style to return.
I.e. a GnomeMeeting can ask the v4l-plugin to return "beautified" lists
and a ohphone can ask it to return the /dev/* style list by default
(maybe with a commandline switch to read also the other names).

Then the open-function should just open either way a device can be
noted. That would ensure that whatever the list has returned in the
current run, old configuration data will still be compatible (i.e. a
user can list /dev/ style with ohphone, but still open "My Favourite
cam" from a script or whatever).

The large advantage of the full-text names are that they're relocated
wherever the device is. So IMHO they are a preferred way of addressing
devices for it's more robust in retrieving the correct device. And
especially with an app like GnomeMeeting there's no reason to show the
/dev/ style notation when there's a full-text-name available. Only if
for whatever reason there cannot be shown a full-text name to the user,
the pure device should be shown in the list.

Hope this makes sense to you and adds just another user's opinion.

Best regards,

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