Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] ILS, big problem

On lun, 2003-10-13 at 18:46, Damien Sandras wrote:

> > Well, the client does the request, you make another: it's not secure.
> Why isn't it secure?

Well, "not secure" is perhaps a little strong; I'm worried by the fact
that it isn't the server that makes the decision...

> > > - run a script and ban all misconfigured people
> > 
> > Easier on the server, but will people know why?
> > 
> We can have a specific ban message. However, running such a script on
> 200 IP's easily takes 2 to 3 minutes. During that time, other
> misconfigured people can register.

Run it every ten minutes... or, as Dominance said, just scan new

> Not really, it is only 1 HTTP request each time a client that registeres
> to is started. The HTTP server will easily handle many
> requests at a time, but the ILS server will certainly go down.
> Of course, people could disable that test, but most people will simply
> fix their configuration.
> The first 1 is 200 ILS requests every x minutes.

Ah, ok, if it's http, then it is indeed lighter. But won't work for
people with an older version...


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