Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: URL bugs?]

Hi Christian,

It is indeed counter-intuitive... Imagine that to call, you have to write :
- OR

The @ is the counter-intuitive part, no?

I'm not sure most of our users will be able to understand that :(

But I agree conforming to a RFC is better...

Le lun 02/06/2003 à 10:27, Christian Strauf a écrit :
> Hi Damien!
> > Are we going back to callto: as default instead of h323: ?
> >  
> > There is an RFC about h323:, but it looks indeed counter-intuitive...
> I would stick with the RFC because I tend to agree with Miguel's arguments.
> This URL's definition has to be precise. Apart from that I really can't see why
> the h323-URL definition is counter intuitive -- it's quite clear what to put in
> which place. And to be honest: addressing a snail mail letter is more difficult
> than using the h323-URL -- you need to write the name, the street, the
> apartment-#, the postcode, the city and the national code onto a letter; and
> all in the right order, and twice, the recipient and the source! Giving 3 or 4
> examples in the documentation should be completely sufficient to understand,
> how to use the h323:-notation.
> Just my 2-¤-Cents.
> Christian
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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