Re: More colour schemes - part 2

On 24.11.2008 18:28, Giuseppe Fuggiano wrote:
> Be sure to create a mockup first. It's much easier to comment
> on a design that way. A textual description is easy to
> misunderstand.

Here is a screenshot of my idea
The problem I'd like to point out is how to create or edit a color
scheme in this way.  By clicking on New (Nuovo) or Edit (Modifica) a
new dialog with the current six colour buttons should appear.  At that
point the user would have three dialogs overlapped and choosing a
colour they'll become four... I am wondering if four dialogs are too
much for UI clearness.

I also see the problem that moving the actual colour selection
one step further down makes selecting custom colours harder. How
good or bad that is probably depends on how good a selection of
schemes your average gtk theme ships with but for the sake of
the argument I'd assume very little.

I remember thos showed me a mockup for a colour tab with colour
schemes included quite a while ago which I found rather
promising. I hope he still has it around...


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