Re: keyboard applet


Since that discussion in May kind of ended nowhere, I am restarting
that thread. Just to remind, there was mockup

The hot topic was nested notebooks (controlled by tabs or buttons as
on the mockup) for layouts/options - and we still have no single
vision on that account IIRC. Actually, same question applies to a11y,
if we plan to merge it into the keyboard capplet - there are 3 tabs
over there. Should these tabs go to into "Details" popup which becomes
available when users enables a11y?

Regarding the buttons for the layout list - on the mockup, the buttons
"Up" and "Down" were removed. I initially disliked that idea - but now
I think I am ready to remove them. The order of layouts in the list
define the order of switching - it actually matters. Yesterday, I
committed DnD support - and it was the last bit that convinced me. So,
user can add/remove layouts, he/she can reorder them using DnD (though
it is not explicitly clear that DnD is available, I must admit) - so I
consider "Up" and "Down" buttons as redundant - and going remove them
ASAP (moving "Add"/"Remove" to the bottom as on the mockup).

Anything else for the keyboard capplet?



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